Aywa - Decentralized Voting Platform with Messaging Support

Hello everyone, on this good occasion I will introduce the AYWA Project and to find out the benefits and advantages of the AYWA Project, stay here to the end!
What is AYWA??
Aywa is an experimental new digital currency that enables anonymous, instant payments to anyone, anywhere in the world. Aywa uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority: managing transactions and issuing money are carried out collectively by the network. Aywa aims to bridge the gap between the tech-savvy and tech-wary. It strives to provide a safe means through which not only investors, but the general public can conduct business without the need for financial institutions or middle-men. Aywa’s aim is to provide the people of the ever more interconnected world with an expedient, private means to conduct business on their own behalf. Aywa is the first crypto platform based on the work of Satoshi Nakamoto with built-in IdeaMining functions.
Our Key Features
Idea Mining
Get rewards for the approved proposals on the next day. Post your ideas at the core app built-in proposal system. A Miner is also incorporated into the wallet.
Built-in Messanger
Send and receive messages after installation of AywaCore Wallet. Create your Public Channels or join any Proposal Channel to participate in a discussion. Please do review our white paper for more details.
Time Gravity Wave
Improved Dark Gravity Wave difficulty adjustment algorithm, that is based on increase and decrease difficulty of 10 % if we have some deviation from the expected time. If approved a daily proposal reward will always be received at the same estimated time.
CPU Mining Only
Aywa used widely used hashing algorithms, which takes a different approach, known as algorithm chaining. It consists of YesPower and some SHA3 contestants (Groestl and Keccak), each hash is calculated then submitted to the next algorithm in the chain.
Set up your Aywa-masternode to earn 25% reward of each mined block. Nodeholders can vote for proposals. Note: Masternode collateral cost will be increased with time from 1,000 to 10,000 AYWA.
Get instant support.Start AywaCore Wallet, go to Messages page and post your request to #support channel and you will receive support from community.
We tried to provide a simple process of platform distribution/improvements and called it IdeaMining, because good ideas and proposals bring their authors daily rewards. Let see Aywa proposal page:

Used hashing algorithms YesPower, Groestl and Keccak are ensure the protection from the current threats and adequate performance. Also, it allows you to use only the CPU for mining now, as it was at the beginning of the blockchain era.
An improved difficulty adjustment algorithm called Time Gravity Wave provides superblock creation daily at 10:00 PM UTC.
You can use instant messages directly from your wallet. Group channels are primarily intended to discuss proposals within IdeaMining. This makes proposal discussion process easy and more decentralized.
We were not having a fund-raiser (ICO, crowdfunding, etc.) and could not take into account all the requirements and possible improvements. We believe that together we able to add the missing features, such as voice calls, the ability to bet on sports events (in progress), as well as to eliminate the detected bugs. We will appreciate for your feedback, your ideas and any information/financial support.
Q1 2018
- Development start
Q2 2018.
- Adding instant messaging and proposals systems
- Testing network
Q3 2018.
- Genesis block
- Production beta
- Masternode network setup
- IdeaMining rewards control tests
- Public Blockchain start
Q4 2018.
- Improved block explorer (API)
- Added ElectrumX support
- Atomic Swap Exchanges
- Apple iOS Wallet beta
- Android wallet
- Updated Website release
- Listing on exchanges
Q1 2019.
- Further improvement of Wallet UI & MSG system
- Masternode collateral increase x2
- Marketing push
Q2 2019.
- Further exchange listings
- Technical enchancements deployed
Q3 2019.
- Masternode collateral increase x5
- Sports betting extension public beta
Q4 2019
- Hardware wallet support
The Review It's introduces various concepts to improve the design of bitcoin resulting in improved privacy and fungibility for the average user, less price volatility and quicker message propagation throughout the network. This is all accomplished by utilizing an incentivized two-tier model, rather than the existing single-tier model in other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. By utilizing this alternative network design it becomes possible to add many types of services such as decentralized mixing of coins, instant transactions and decentralized Idea Mining using AYWA masternode.
For More Information:
ANN THREAD:https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5055991.0
Bitcointalk username:Sadum