SegWit2X 警告 及 免交易費 轉換Bitcoin錢包 圖文教學 / B2X Alert & No Fee Bitcoin Wallet Switch Tutorial (EN/CN)

重點:SegWit2X警告詳情 + 錢包回復技巧及策略。Focus: Alert from Bitcoin Core + No Fee Wallet Switch & Strategy (English in the middle, see below)
我上一份文章發佈之後,Bitcoin Core 響出左一個警告,入面有一個list詳細列出邊啲錢包、交易所及其他服務商採用SegWit2X 網絡,值留意。
唔理嘅話Bitcoin會變左B2X coin
支援SegWit2X (B2X) 嘅公司有極大機會會將SegWit2X 嘅B2X coin 及新網絡叫做Bitcoin (BTC),有幾多問題小學生都話到你知,例如到底你攞住嘅Bitcoin會唔會仲係有價值嘅Bitcoin。所以我強烈建議有Bitcoin嘅你去睇下文末個list,而只有Steem嘅你都要留意,因為大部份情況下你Cash Out都要先轉做Bitcoin,好易中招。

受影響錢包 / Bitcoin Core Alert on Wallet
如果想繼續留響原本嘅Bitcoin Core,用Bitcoin Core錢包,最簡單嘅方法係裝一個Bitcoin Core對應嘅Wallet,例如Mycelium同Electrum,然後send晒啲Bitcoin去呢個Wallet度就搞掂。到SegWit2X啟動後,一樣有方法可以攞到B2X。但而家Bitcoin交易費都未真係好平,我就唔想因為呢件事要將我只有好少好少嘅Bitcoin再轉送一次,轉多一下又冇左啲 =.=)) <---窮L。所以我特別準備左一個教學去教大家唔需要做交易都可以將自己嘅Bitcoin響Bitcoin Core呢邊嘅錢包度用。
搵番你嘅 Backup/Recovery Seed
首先,要搵番而家Wallet個Recovery Seed出黎。正常黎講你應該寫低左響張紙度。如果冇,都可以響而家個Wallet度搵番出黎:
- BitPay/CoPay 就係:Settings > WalletName > Backup
- Jaxx 就係 右上三制 > Menu > Tools > Backup Wallet > View Backup Phrase
有左Recovery Seed,咁就睇下你用電腦定電話。如果係電話我建議你用Mycelium,而電腦就用Electrum。呢兩個程式我都測試過冇問題。
- 開App就揀Restore from backup,然後入番個Recovery Seed,跟住佢嘅指示做
- 如果你本身有Wallet Set 好左,你要開左原本個Wallet再揀File > New/Restore 先可以開始下面嘅操作
- 你打入Recovery Seed之前要揀Option然後tick左BIP39嗰個check box,揀完OK先入。做錯左係會出Error
而呢個技巧平時recover wallet都可以用。(我呢個account係冇晒Bitcoin,所以見到個balance係 0 )
小心要入User Name + Password 嘅Wallet
如果你嗰個Wallet係要你入user name 同 password去入嘅,就算你嗰個係一個app,其實9成都係一個網上錢包,等如擺響exchange一樣咁危險;呢啲網上Wallet未必咁快、甚至9成9都唔會比你去揀番Bitcoin同claim新hard fork嘅B2X coin,所以你有嘅選項就只有比小小交易費去轉送番出黎自己個 Wallet度,咁樣先可以攞晒Bitcoin同SegWit2X B2X Coin。
要注意嘅係,呢一個方法只係確保你可以用番Bitcoin Core呢邊嘅Wallet而預早準備,等你可以安心一啲。如果你係要攞晒兩邊嘅coin,咁就要用自己嘅Recovery Seed試到我上面嘅方法Recover先,成功後就等到SegWit2X Hard Fork嘅時候先睇下點樣去攞晒兩種Coin啦,而且係必定要跟隨將來嘅指引去攞SegWit2X B2X Coin。
附上一個詳列支持Bitcoin Core/反對SegWit2X 嘅網站,如果見到你用梗嘅服務,咁就可以安心唔駛做任何野 (Exchange除外,唔係日日trade就唔好擺響exchange) 。當然,你都應該定時去你用梗嘅服務嘅網站睇下有冇公告,特別係呢一類咁重要嘅事發生之前。
而呢一個,就係Bitcoin Core對 SegWit2X 發出嘅警告頁,我估計越近SegWit2X啟動,就會有越多商家跳船,買定花生睇好戲。
而有關 Hard Fork 嘅詳情,我都有一篇文章用簡單易明嘅方法解說,詳見呢一頁
Shortly after my last story on Bitcoin Hard Fork, Bitcoin Core released an alert on issues and confusion that is coming in November cause by SegWit2X. I strongly suggest you to read the alert webpage, links at the end of this story. Also check out my previous write up on this matter.
Issue: They replace your Bitcoin with B2X coin
The main issue is wallets, exchanges and other business entities supporting SegWit2X (refer as B2X below) will treat the newly created B2X coin and network as Bitcoin and BTC. If you do not pay careful attention to this matter, you will very likely lose your original Bitcoin that runs on Bitcoin Core network. Steemit users will also be affected because the likelihood for most users to convert Steem to Bitcoin is high.
I looked at the list and my previous doubt is right – I need to move my fund from BitPay/CoPay/Jaxx to a proper wallet that support the Bitcoin Core network.
Wallet Switch without Transfer & Fees
The easiest way to stay in original Bitcoin network is to install a wallet that will remain in the Bitcoin Core network, such as Mycelium and Electrum, and send the Bitcoin to your newly created wallet on this 2 app. This ensures I hold my private key in a flexible way, and will be able to get B2X when instructions are issued later on. But the transaction fee costs and I want to save the fees. This is the reason behind my story. I actually did these instructions.
Get Backup/Recovery Seed
You will need to make sure you have your Recovery Seed from your existing wallet ready. Normally, you should have written them down on a paper. If you don’t, you can get it and write it down by:
- BitPay/CoPay: Settings > WalletName > Backup
- Jaxx: = button at the top right > Menu > Tools > Backup Wallet > View Backup Phrase
Now you have the Recovery Seed. Write it down for recovery purpose for future. Then, depending on your device, I suggest and tested Mycelium for mobile phone and Electrum for computer.
Mycelium is simple, just perform a normal wallet recovery.
- Open the app > Restore from backup > enter the recovery seed and Next, follow the instructions.
When you see your balance and previous transactions, you are good to go.
As Mycelium does not have Desktop version, Electrum is used. I will not write the instructions because I prepared a step by step walk through in the end of this story. There are 2 important points:
- If you have existing wallet in Electrum, you will need to go to File > Restore to start the operation
- Before entering Recovery Seed, you will need to go to Option below the Seed area, then tick the BIP39 box. If you did not tick this option, you will see errors.
These are techniques also useful for normal wallet recovery. (The account I have used no longer have any fund in it, so you only see the history with balance equals 0.)
Beware of Wallet that use UserName & Password
If you existing wallet requires you to enter an user name and password to login, even though it is an app, you are actually using a web wallet, they are just as dangerous as putting your coin at the exchange. These wallets might not quickly, normally would not, let you get your original Bitcoin or claim hard fork coins. In this case, I would suggest you to send your Bitcoin to the wallet I suggested above, to maintain control of your Bitcoin and gain your B2X coin.
New Instructions Needed in late November
Note that this is only a way to make sure you maintain control to your original Bitcoin and stay in the Bitcoin Core network. To claim the B2X coin, you must follow coming updated instructions to claim the B2X Coin.
There is a website listing all the services that is Anti-SegWit2X – they support original Bitcoin Core network. If you see your service listed, it is highly possible you do not need to take any action. (except exchanges, don’t place coins in exchange unless you trade frequently). Well, as always, seek for service announcement from the service you use, especially before these important changes. This is the website address:
This is the alert that the Bitcoin Core released. As SegWit2X activation approaches, there must be more businesses to withdraw. I am buying my popcorn for the shows.
Here is my explanation to the hard fork situations written 3 days ago.
Bitcoin Wallet Link. Just be sure you click the link or type it right. There are so many scam websites and apps that steal your Bitcoin.
Step by Step Guide
Electrum - BIP39 Recovery Seed 教學 / Instructions

Copyright © RyoPlasmic 2017. All rights reserved.
係,平時我都係咁要黎試野。唯一唔掂係iOS嗰個breadwallet, 個seed過到,但會出現 0 bitcoin同冇記錄,我初頭以為佢整走晒我啲bitcoin, 嚇死我
this is only for user who store their bitcoin by themselves i guess, i hold my coin in exchange will be fine, rt?
It depends on which exchange you are using.
It will not be fine if the exchange give you the B2X coin by naming it BTC, and take your current BTC away, right?
i guess exchange with reputation wont do that
good luck
They don't have any provision for if the 2x fork becomes the minority chain? I would have thought they would just give you whatever is the valued coin after the dust settles. That's very fishy...
They are going to automatically sell the original chain and give you the B2X coin on top of the original amount you should have during the fork. That means they are kidnapping your money to push B2X - the valued doesn't matter from the very beginning.