Bitcoin 我的掘礦記事報告 一 / My Mining Journal - 1
分享我嘅Bitcoin掘礦記錄。注意,我不推廣掘礦。Sharing of my Bitcoin Mining Journal. I do NOT promote Bitcoin Mining. (English in the middle)

Bitcoin 掘礦的基本知識
所謂掘礦,其實就係參與Bitcoin網絡交易及計算網絡嘅一個統稱,而掘出黎嘅礦叫做Block Rewards,意指參與計算後所得出嘅獎勵,即係Bitcoin。當中有好多複雜嘅原素,我初時亦都唔明白,所以呢段期間不停咁學習同觀察,希望可以總結出當中嘅規律。
當然選擇要好小心,市面上9成9嘅雲掘礦服務都係輸打贏要,甚至乎隨時更改合約令自己收益大減,所以我都好小心咁揀。由於我本身嘅績蓄唔多,揀啱左就All in。今日睇番當日嘅決定係蠢左,因為如果我一開始係直接買Bitcoin而唔係買盒約,而家已經直接升值接近一倍。另外由於已經All in左落去,今日知道直接買Bitcoin好啲都冇能力再買。只可以話係交左學費。
成本 與 收益
掘礦要知嘅事好簡單,就係 成本 同 收益。成本係礦機 或者 雲掘礦合約價錢,再加每日嘅電費或管理費。淨收益就係每日會收到幾多Bitcoin。初時我嘅預計係淨收益會隨住Bitcoin價格上升而增加,因為我嘅合約係寫明管理費每日係計美金,但掘出黎嘅係Bitcoin;管理費係以掘出嘅Bitcoin黎扣除,Bitcoin價錢越高,所扣除嘅Bitcoin越少,即:
作為成本每日扣除嘅Bitcoin數量= 管理費 美金 / Bitcoin 價錢
一年回報 = [(每日掘出數量 - 成本嘅Bitcoin數量) x 365] x 第一日嘅Bitcoin美金價錢
掘礦難度 Difficulties
問題開始出現。原來掘礦嘅成本收益係唔可以用linear嘅方法去計。就如同一般嘅機會成本計算一樣,原來係Earlier is preferred to later.
淨收益 = [上一期掘出Bitcoin數量 x ( 1 - 難度上升百份比 )] - (管理費/Bitcoin價錢)
其實回本呢個概念係有兩方面。一般嘅投資黎講係計番錢,即現金、美金。只要不停估Bitcoin會上升,咁總有一日Bitcoin 計算番美金係會等如我投入嘅金額。
English Version
This time, I would like to share my Bitcoin mining journal. Please note, I do not promote Bitcoin mining.
Bitcoin mining is hot since the price shot above US$3000 in August. I joined as well, and I analyzed my progress from time to time. I would like to (re)start my Bitcoin journal today because I have more followers and higher visibility now. Although these experiences will not replay entirely, I believe the learning will apply to Bitcoin in the future once again, like what Economics teacher told their students.
Bitcoin Mining Basics
Bitcoin mining is a term that describes the participation in Bitcoin network and processing the transactions. The mined output is called Block Rewards, yes, these are your Bitcoin. There are a lot of complex variables in mining that I do not understand them entirely at the very beginning. That is why I look closely on the topic and hope that I can generalize them one by one.
What you need
To join mining, you need a miner. It is now a specially designed hardware that is more expensive than a high-end computer, with special chips called ASIC. I choose not to buy a miner (well, it is hard to get anyway) and joined cloud mining. Cloud mining is simple, and help me to just get the mining done, saving time for me to understand more about the ecosystems.
Of course, most cloud mining services are scam. They are not regulated and can change your service terms as they wish to. I did not have much spare money for investing, so I just spent all my money into 1 mining service I have chosen. In fact, I realize now this is not wise, because I should buy Bitcoin instead of buying mining contract. It is too late, anyway.
Cost and Return
After all, everyone is looking for how much they earn, the net income. This means you have to understand the structure of the cost and income involved. Cost is either a miner, or a cloud mining contract, and electricity costs or cloud mining maintenance fee. I am fine with the arrangement of cloud mining because the maintenance was deducted in a fixed sum in US dollar, from the mined Bitcoin. The formula is:
Costs in Bitcoin = Fixed US$ Maintenance / Bitcoin Price
I do not think too much before I buy the contract because the contract cost was raising rapidly and I believed I would break even within 300 days, in US dollar terms. The fixed maintenance cost in US dollar would be deducted from the mined Bitcoin outputs. When Bitcoin price increases, the number of Bitcoin deducted for costs is lower and I can get more net income in terms of Bitcoin. Very attractive, right?
The formula I use was:
Annual return = [(Daily mined – Maintenance) x 365] x Bitcoin Price at the day of purchase
Mining Difficulties
I only realized the importance of Mining Difficulties after I spent all my fund. In brief, it can be treated as a factor that made my Bitcoin net income decreases over time. As Bitcoin draw more attentions, the participants could increase and therefore the processing power of the whole network could increase, making the competition intensifies. The Bitcoin network would therefore increase the mining difficulties to balance the network, and decrease the average return for each participant. The difficulties should increase the same percentage as the processing power (Hashrates) increase, and the return would also decrease in the same percentage of this increase.
My Projection needed reworks
That is, as time goes by, the net income decreases. I had to recalculate with Excel this time.
What I did was studying the past record. The difficulties adjusted on average 12 to 13 days, with average of 7% a period. My mining income before maintenance fee would also decreased by the 7%.
Net Income = [Previous Mined amount x (1 – difficulties adjustment percentage)] – (maintenance/Bitcoin Price)
With this calculation, holding the price unchanged could make a contract termination in 34 weeks. I was shocked.
Yes, I know. It can’t be. The price MUST change, and therefore I had to re-model my projection once again, with 2 variables assumption. This made the projection better as I could enter what I THINK it could be. And sometimes, I told myself Bitcoin price will increase to a point someday that make the mined Bitcoin x Price = my money spent.
Long Story Short
With all the calculation, my current conclusion is to buy Bitcoin, not cloud mining contract. If I used the money I spent on cloud mining to buy Bitcoin, the net worth of my money would have doubled today. There is no investing instrument that can get this return within 2 months. Best of all, buying Bitcoin do not need to risks contract terminations.
My journal does not end here. I am writing the next part at the time you see this story. ^_^
See also
Bitcoin 我的掘礦記事報告 二 / My Mining Journal - 2
Bitcoin 我的掘礦記事報告 三 / My Mining Journal - 3
Bitcoin 我的掘礦記事報告 四 / My Mining Journal - 4
Copyright © RyoPlasmic 2017. All rights reserved.
Thank you ^o^
@ryoplasmic Really good post.
More to some, stay tuned