Crypto Currency & Artificial IntelligencesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

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Will smart technology and artificial consciousness bring an end to inefficiency?

Our technology is growing at an exponential rate with unknown products and innovations that have yet to be explored. Innovations and inventions that disrupt our economies and lives are the ones that come unexpectedly & with accelerated growth, something simlar to the invention of a intercontinental/ global communication network. It is of great importance to acknowledge the progressive increase in technological advances and how they are inevitably bound to surpass human intelligence within the near future. While participating in an introductory Artificial Intelligence (A.I) course at Monmouth College I was able to explore what weak A.I and strong A.I consisted of. Id like to thank Prof. Logan Mayfield for his efforts and time to teach the components of A.I and its retaliative direction within our ever growing technological economy.

Our cell phones, which have become one of the most important devices in human history, allows us to communicate, search, apply, navigate, etc. all within the touch of a screen simplifying our day to day objectives in a more efficient manner. Before diving into A.I and how it can potentially save our global economy, lets talk a bit about strong & weak artificial consciousness.


1.) What is STRONG artificial intelligence?

-Strong AI's goal is to develop artificial intelligence to the point where the machine's intellectual capability is functionally equal to a human's. The ideal Strong AI machine would be built in the form of a man, have the same sensory perception as a human, and go through the same education and learning processes as a human child. Essentially, the machine would be "born" as a child and eventually develop to an adult in a way similar to human development. In the philosophy of strong AI, there is no essential difference between the piece of software, which is the AI, exactly emulating the actions of the human brain, and actions of a human being, including its power of understanding and even its consciousness

2.) What is WEAK artificial intelligence?

-Weak artificial intelligence (weak AI) is an approach to artificial intelligence research and development with the consideration that AI is and will always be a simulation of human cognitive function, and that computers can only appear to think but are not actually conscious in any sense. Weak AI simply acts upon and is bound by the rules imposed on it and it could not go beyond those rules. A good example of weak AI are characters in a computer game that act believably within the context of their game character, but are unable to do anything beyond that.Weak artificial intelligence is also known as narrow artificial intelligence.


So what is the purpose of developing artificial intelligence and its concept of governing our currency system, diplomatic issues, and economic well being? And is there a possibility that technology will help our economy flourish like it has never done before with the use of encrypted currencies? I think its safe to say that our economy has inefficient ways of distributing currency, transferring data, and accumulating wealth without heavily taxed obligations or fees involved. Which is why I strongly believe that Bitcoin will reach an extensively high price value along with recent ICO startup AltCoins like Ethereum, EOS, IOTA, Dash, etc that have not only created a system where privacy is key, but one where there are no restrictions to those who want to transfer wealth across the world with removed exchange fees from third party corporations, banks, or governments.

It becomes evident that our economy is headed into a cash less society where touch-and-go payments will be provided. More and more skeptical believers think crypto currency will rule on a global spectrum along with digital assets that will serve as a medium of exchange for wealth accumulation. It is within our human nature to evolve from a state of hardship and labor in exchange for wealth, tranquility, and personal growth. Through out centuries of constant experiments and failure, our society has grown from villages, to towns, and into vast cities all while acquiring substantial amount of data that helps us create unknown & unpredictable innovations. Indeed the 3rd wave of drastic economic & global change will be within the technological revolution!

Below is a short video from TEDx Talks with Kevin Kelly in one of the most intriguing and eye opening conversations I've heard in a while. He speaks about the world of A.I and how technological advancements will interrupt our economy in a way we've never seen before!

Please leave any Upvotes / comments below and Ill be glad to respond to them usually within one day.

Thanks for reading everyone, I'm out!


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Disclaimer: I am not an Investment adviser, and this is not investment advice. If you'd like to read my previous blogs on EOS and Exodus adoption click on the links below.







Great article! I want to ask you one question. What is your opinion about Bitconnect artificial bot that supposedly is doing the transactions in behalf of the clients? Do you think is a real snippet of artificial intelligence or just a scam?

@fenequedvm Honestly believe there is some A.I within these client transactions. That being said, whether it falls under the stronger side of artificial intelligence, I think they have yet to develop into more of conscious decisions rather than commanded bots that are programmed to do specific objectives and nothing more.

Whoever or WHATEVER can predict the future , controls the world.
Steemit Blockchain Will Be The Central Cortex Of The Global Quantum A.I.'s Brain - The Sentient World Simulaion, for predicting the future.

All the quantum computers of all the worlds biggests corporation are interlinked and working to this end.


Any one with even half a brain knows that blockchain technology is not going away. It's here to stay!
Why? Because EVERYTHING... every piece of data and every piece of edge computing hardware is soon to be tied (chained) into the blockchain matrix in the cloud. Including EVERY product, service, creative and recreational activity that we do.


Using 5g technology and cheap telemetric printed circuit tattoos (like barcodes on steroids) able to sense, process and transmit data, will be in EVERYTHING and EVERYONE.
We will all become part of the Sentient World Simulation (SWS) as described in the popular Purdue University white paper on this subject, It's already up & running right under your noses as you read this blog post. IT'S WATCHING YOU!!!

We each have a Global Quantum A.I. avatar following and recording our every move using our 'smart' phones, 'smart' appliances - TV's, game consoles, 'smart' fridges, 'smart' meters & 'smart' cookers, etc.
We each have our own virtual world avatar that simulates & mimics our character, in order to predict the future.
Whoever or WHATEVER can predict the future , controls the world... The Global Quantum A.I.


Good content
Keep sharing good posts!

@qagiri Thanks for the read, appreciate it tons!