How to make money , even a fortune trading bitcoin/cryptocurrencies

in #bitcoin8 years ago (edited)

I don't know where to begin so I will just start with my first thoughts. There is a revolution going on in the financial world, Wall St, banks and markets all over the planet, special interest groups, and in the lives of common people lucky enough to come across bitcoin and get some experience owning or trading it. The early adapters to this state of art internet currency were and still are to a large extent entering into a wild wild west type of a gold rush environment. That was me! Having been trading now for 3 years I think I have experienced everything that could go right and wrong in this new milieu. I have made a lot of money, lost a lot of money, been cheated , lied to, experienced 3 of my exchanges shutting down and taking all my coins with it and everybody else's , embezzlement, wallet hacking , and fraud. It has been totally crazy, but once again I knew coming in that this game was an unregulated one with the rules being made on the fly but with fantastic, incredible, lightning fast roi( return of investment). My goal, after seeing, and feeling, and being blown over and pummeled by the volatility dynamics of this digitally distributed block chain currency tsunami called bitcoin was :JUST SURVIVE THIS - KEEP ON THIS RIDE- cause I know it is going to take me to my financial goal. I have managed some how to do this and I feel impelled and inspired to share my wisdom and experience with others to hopefully help them avoid the pitfalls and blind alleys that eat up time and money, both of which if carefully, properly placed into the crypto/bitcoin market can yield you very impressive gains and serve as a steady source of income for years if not decades to come. My next post will be: How to get started making money with bitcoin: 5-Do's and the 3 Dont's


A post about a post to come? The check is in the mail.

Brand new at this. Made 2nd post. Thanks for reading and your constructive comments

I have recently started investing in cryptocurrencies and look forward to your posts ☺

Thanks for your response megsmummy. I just made my second post regarding 5 Do's about getting started in bitcoin. As I go on I will get into what I consider are some good crypto investments and how to play them short and long term.