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RE: Blockchain and the End of the Western Civilization

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Thanks, great read and analogy. What the Roman Empire didn't have back then was large scale communication and transfer of knowledge. Of course today we have this, thus giving exponential growth opportunities for blockchain. This is what scares the powers that be, the lack of available measures to stop the spread of adoption on a global scale.


I think very few people in "the powers that be" realise what's going on - just like "Francis and Maurice" in the frog cartoon above. "The powers that be" are not evil at individual level - it's just people, like you and me, with qualities and character flaws mostly like anybody else (maybe there's to some extent a selection bias). What's under threat here is the system, and the system is blind and oblivious. Whether those who benefit most will come out to defend it, when and how they'll try to defend it remains to be seen.

That’s such an important insight. All power of the state comes from and is run by people. All people are fallible and prone to mistakes and oversights.