~Self Developed Life~Video Podcast Episode #1 "How to Invest in Bitcoin BEFORE it Hits 30K/Coin (& How I Lost out on 300K in Eth)"

in #bitcoin8 years ago (edited)

Hey there, thanks so much for clicking & visiting, I really appreciate it :)

Before we get started with Episode #1 Video, wanted to give you an overview what other future Self Developed Life VLOG Interviews we will be discussing: everything & anything from travel, living & working abroad, health, happiness & wellness, starting businesses, dating / relationships, crypto currency investing, spirituality, minimalism, meditation, personal development, success strategies & how to monetize on your talents.

The goals is for this SDL video podcast site is to be your one stop shop to leveling up your life, in all ways...always...(see what I did there? haha. I know, I'm a geek...and I am cool with that, hope you are too).

So , if you are cool with that, and interested in any or all of the topics above we will cover on our journey of creating this "Vidcast" together, please take a moment to "Subscribe & Follow" above here on my blog and also over on the YouTube Channel that will have more content I won't always post here on the SDL Blog.

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Ok, now that all that is out of the way, this is a bittersweet first video topic to launch episode #1 of Self Developed Life Podcast I have been working on for a while...so here it is, I hope you learn some new things and profit from some of the tips and techniques shared on how to get started in the massive new 100 Billion Dollar Market Share of Crypto Currencies and if you enjoy it, please comment, upvote, like & share it, really appreciate it: 3,2,1, drum roll please....enjoy the talk, take some notes, what he says is literally worth millions of dollars, I learnt the hard way...

Why you may ask, it is bittersweet? Well, to be honest because the information that my first guest Alexandre Bergeron who has been, "all in on Bitcoin for years" and is involved in the crypto community shares in this interview, if the recommendation he shared in the interview above had been acted on and followed when this was filmed, (in Feb 2017 while I was on a surf trip traveling in the Philippines for a month)

the results would have turned a 15K investment I was wanting & planning on making in Crypto Currency, (esp Ethereum that he recommended in the video), would have returned a life changing $300,000 USD in only the past 5 month!!!

This is Alex, he is from Montreal Canada but now lives on this tropical island in the Philippines, where he bought some land using his Bitcoin profits, and is now "living the dream". (we are both surfers and met at a dinner party after a day of surfing around Cloud 9).
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How is a profit like that possible you may ask?

Well my friend, Ethereum's price went parabolic shooting up from around from 15$ / coin, to over and astonishing $500 / coin (Canadian $) in its peak point last month in June!
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Excuse me while I puke in my mouth for a moment thinking about the fortune that slipped thru my hands.

But hey, it could have been worse, I could have been this guy who thew away 6 million dollars / 7500 Bitcoins, on a hard drive and went searching in the garbage dumps for it...

This is happening all over the crypto world people making and losing $ left and right echanges getting hacked, ICO's doubling in price over night, and if you invested 1000$ in Bitcoin a few years ago, you would be a millionaire like this 18 y/o kid who is a high school dropout.
Anyway, I was finally able to get into the crypto game in May / June and have been hooked on it ever since I have seen some impressive returns.

I initially started with about 80% Eth and 20% Bitcoin and in the first 3 weeks it doubled as Eth shot up and more than doubled. Over 100% return. Most investors would be freaking out happy, but in my view it was no where near the 2000% returns I could have capitalized on a few months earlier. Or I am comparing it to my buddy who I talked to about Ether after my Phils trip ad he bough 1K work that is now around 30K because his account got verified right away.

However the next month Eth fell by 50%, so I saw that 100% profit shrink in more than half, witnessing first hand the volatility that this space is famous for, ability to get rich quick, or go broke fast.

Both can happen in the blink of an eye So if you do chose to invest, only use what you can afford to lose.

The reason why I was not able to get a trading account set up earlier was the fact I was traveling and because I was out of Canada could not get my account verified, even tho I tired a VPN.

(Plus at the time I met Alex we were both looking to invest in real estate on this beautiful surf island in the Philippines called Siagrao, this is my plot
I just closed on this beautiful beach front property last week & I will do a future podcast video about how to buy land on an island like this to set up a retirement property, which I am sure many readers would love to learn how to do, so stay tuned)

So my attention & finances were tied up in this land deal, instead of focusing on bitcoins and alt coins that I knew nothing about at the time...but I should have.

www.coinmarketcap.com is a listing of all the top 100 alt coins.
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Here are the facts, as of today, August 1st Bitcoin Blockchain is splitting in 2. This is the PERECT time to get in the game.
You may feel its too late, but as Alex said he sees one Bitcoin being work 30K in the near future, other analysts say it will be worth anywhere from 500K / 1 MILLION $ PER BITCOIN!

Sound crazy? it does, but not really if you break it down. Its simply supply and demand. There are 7 billion people in the world and only 21 million bitcoins can ever be produced and that is what will continue to drive up the price.

We all know that we are living in a digital world, we've already transformed phones, cars, tech, next is cash. Its not too late.

Let FOMO (Fear OF Missing Out) inspire you to take action.

I know it may be a little intimidating and confusing, that is why I am offering mentorship, coaching and FREE Bitcoin to help a new person get set up:

Here are two sites that you can get started trading and investing on and each come with a FREE 10$ of Bitcoin as a gift to my readers since I am a client of both

Set up your FREE Coinbase Account here and get 10$ of Bitcoin:

If you are in Canada and want to set up an account this is your best option:

BONUS OFFER: if you want more one on one step by step I do offer personalized coaching and consulting to insure you do things the right way and don't make any potentially costly mistakes.

Feel free to email me at [email protected] or add & DM me @ https://www.facebook.com/QuintonCarlin to schedule a strategy session.Here at SDL & 15590541_10153924548446213_7306423338911345418_n.jpg
I'm always happy to help individuals grow yourself & your wealth, health and happiness.

Thanks for reading & feel free to reach out and comment what topics would you like to have for next episodes?
& IF you enjoyed it please subscribe, up vote & share, means a lot, cheers!

Wishing You Peace & Profits,

Quinton Carlin