The Future of "Spending Money"
We are living in a technologically driven age.
The world is constantly improving in every aspect, but one thing has stayed the same for a long time - money. But if you're literate in the world of Blockchain, you know that's coming to an end.How will cryptocurrencies ever have the utility of paper money?This is one of the biggest criticisms from people jumping on the crypto-hating bandwagon. They claim that cryptocurrency is simply not liquid. After all, you could never carry it around in your pocket and go buy something in person with it...or can you?

The future of the wallet
The fact of the matter is that money is evolving. Even today, you can purchase portable wallets from companies like Trezor that allow on the fly purchases using Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Imagine in the near future, pulling out a card and buying a Sandwich using Bitshares. Instead of seeing signs saying "Sorry, we don't accept AMEX" we could see the same signs but with Bitcoin or Ethereum substituted for credit cards.
How to prepare
Bitcoin is all the rage today. I would take out a mortgage on my house to bet that the word of the year in 2018 will be something crypto related. So, how do we prepare for this coming crypto revolution? The best way to make sure you're prepared and ahead of the curve is to expose yourself to as many coins as possible - but whatever you do, don't blindly invest. There's nothing more dangerous than investing in something because you see the price is going up. If you can't write at least half a page or more as to why you want to buy a cryptocurrency, you probably don't know enough about it to be buying it. So yes, like I was getting into earlier, diversify - but diversify intelligently.
Hi @profitemotive, welcome to steemit, best regards ...
Hopefully you feel at home here, and regards to know and respect from me @burmawitri88
Glad to know you here
Interesting thoughts, yes, don't buy blindly, a fool and his money become quick strangers.
Welcome to Steem @profitmotive. Feel free to follow me @kanasite and upvote. Cheers :)