
On what time frame?

One Year from Today, which "do you think" will have the Biggest Percentage Gain...??? Common U.S. Coinage, Silver, Gold or Bitcoin...

One year from today, probably bitcoin. If you go out 2-3 years from today though, I think definitely bitcoin.

I think our Common U.S. Coinage will increase 100 Fold, since it will be used to make change for our Corrected Silver and Gold Coins... Silver would need to go past 2,000 per ounce, Gold would need to go past 180,000 per ounce and Bitcoin would need to go past 2.3 Million to out-do Common U.S. Coinage, percentage wise...

Not following what you mean by "make change for our corrected silver and gold coins"?

To make a long story short, the United States will soon be returning to "Stable" Silver and Gold Coin backed Currrencies... The Fiat Dollars will be removed and replaced at a 100 to 1 Exchange Rate... If your Bitcoin is at 24,000 Fiat USD's at the time of the Reset, it will be worth $240 in Sound Money... Our Sound Money will be in Gold Coinage, Silver Coinage, Common Coinage, Paper Coinage and Electronic Coinage... Take your pick from our Stable Coinage, or hold onto the Bitcoin that will continue to Fluctuate in Value...

Why are you convinced this is going to happen? I think the days of gold or silver being used to back money is long gone... too easy to counterfeit and too easy (and lucrative/tempting) to use credit...

I did the "Fine Tuning" for the up-coming Monetary Correction...