Bitcoin Cash Plus - Please tell me this is a joke!
Here we go again. After Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin Gold there seems to be another Bitcoin fork/split in the pipeline. Bitcoin Cash Plus.
I hope this website is a joke, just like my sarcastic announcement of Bitcoin Yellow two weeks ago, but it doesn't seem so.
Although, the website doesn't even have a SSL certificate. No https connection (yet).
We don't need a tenfold of Bitcoin forks in my opinion. It doesn't solve the scaling issue or anything else. What I think Bitcoin really needs is the second coming of Satoshi Nakamoto. I'm sure he will unite the Bitcoin community and bring everlasting peace!
No more Bitcoin forks please!
a copy of a copy LOL :0
I agree it would be like if the UK (where I live) kept doing the EU referendums every year but changed the name of the referendum.
How true...cant wait until UK is independent... upvoted
Look how profitable BCH became these last few days. If people think they can create money out thin air and get free money, people's greed will chime in. I would be surprised to see more forks up until they no longer become profitable.
@penguinpablo I was hoping your post was a joke.. seriously. It looks like Bitcoin will eventually be screwed over due to all the changes everyone keeps trying to implement... Damn @ non crypto people trying to profit from cryptocurrency.
Nice post following .
Its pretty ridiculous already, lol.
WTF!!! Is this real??? Are these abominations/mutations of bitcoin already trading in exchanges?
Seriously? OMG, it's real...
First we had Bitcoin. Then everyone copied the Bitcoin source code and the first altcoins were born. The next way to make a quick buck were the ICOs and now pre-mined Bitcoin forks seem the way to go. What's next?
Maybe there will be some centralized Bitcoin Cash or something, because decentralized crypto are too mainstream...
Most of those are code forks (like most altcoins), not blockchain forks.
Nice, but you're forgetting the only Bitcoin which isn't a Fork of the original Bitcoin: eBitcoin ( aka "Bitcoin on Ethereum"!
Also the only one with Smart Contracts.
brb creating Bitcoin 64. 64 mb blocks.
0.0 I'm mining acidyo's bitcoin creation...!!!
Yes, this is getting out of hand.
There may be a need for a number of different cryptos (say, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dash, Steem), and there may be a place for each of them in the new digital money system. And emphasizing their uniqueness might even be beneficial and productive.
But I doubt that we need 10–20 or more versions of Bitcoin. In fact, that seems to be counter-productive. And quite possibly harmful to the reputation of bitcoin, or even dangerous to the entire crypto ecosystem.
Days of ERC tokens are gone.
Now Bitcoin forks rock!
Another day, another blockchain split.
Now that's an Ethereum Killer!
Would Bitcoin cash plus mean its split from bitcoin cash hardfork and not bitcoin?
That was my first thought as well.
But their plan is to fork the Bitcoin blockchain, although their name suggests a fork of Bitcoin Cash.
Bitcoin "SMTs" ? :eyeroll:
Really hoping it's a joke, or that it isn't worth much.
it won't worth too much, of course. The only hard fork of Bitcoin which has a pretty decent market cap is BCH, which is arguably better than Bitcoin