Particl Meetup in São Paulo, Brazil | Dunas
Friday, October 5, 2018

Fellow crypto enthusiasts of São Paulo, let us come together October 5th for drinks and discussions at Duna’s Bar!
The main topic of for the evening will be the privacy platform, Particl (PART) which has built a private, decentralized marketplace that is currently in Alpha testing mode. The use cases for this type of Dapp, especially in our region, are really exciting so be prepared for a lively discussion.

Brazilians are embracing blockchain projects in every industry sector and JoaquimFwill be sharing Particl’s privacy-focused decentralized applications, the privacy coin PART and more.JoaquimF reached out to a couple of us on the team earlier in the month to discuss getting Particl represented at some of the largest events coming to Brazil like BITCONF and BlockCrypto Brazil. The idea also came up to do a local meetup in São Paulo, one of the most influential cities in Brazil. We’ve had a handful of community members host local meetups with great success and excitement.If you’re in the area and love talking crypto, try to make it out October 5th to meet JoaquimF and get some limited edition swag and PART.
- Meetup starts at 7pm local time:
- Attendees with Android phones can download Particl’s mobile wallet, <
"">Particl Copay, from the app store ahead of time for some free PART
- Special Particl shirts are being designed just for this event so come grab one of these limited editions.
- More info about the venue Duna’s Bar:
Please, come join us for discussions on privacy, cryptos, blockchain, online commerce, design and more. Looking forward to meeting everyone who can make it out for this special night!
New Portuguese Channels
We now have a Portuguese channel on Telegram ( and on Discord (#portuguese). JoaquimF, who is organizing the meetup in October, will help as moderator for this group.