in #bitcoin4 years ago


The world is a civilized world ,technologies,education and blockchain has made the world a good and most existing place to stay ,we cannot achieve technology without the help of education ,we must be knowledgeable in other to achieve this,learning is part of education,we learn everyday,we learn with things we see,who we meet ,what we read etc.

If we are to go round the world to check the most important things most countries are looking for you will get know that education is one of the important thing there,parents will like to do anything possible in other to get there children lets combine education with blockchain,blockchain industrials are now most talk of the world ,over billions of people around the world knows blockchain and over millions of people are yet to know blockchain unlike education we still have millions of people all over the world that are learned and over millions that are not.

I bring to you a decentralized blockchain that deals with education system,a platform that combines blockchain with education,when a technology emerges with education you can see its will be a skyrocket to any country that has such,imagine having a workers who are educated and well learned in your company combines with your technologies,you can see paying such workers will not be a problem,imagine yourself too been learned and educated and getting an awesome payment while working

Now,check out the unifinity,unifinity is the first decentralized blockchain creates that will help to support all university schools by helping in providing for the accessibility and technology utilizing blockchain technology,it is the first educational platform that is build for university both small and big to enable to implement the use of blockchain technology and smart contract on various application used

Unifinity can be used by various university to help in improving their current education and learning process,we have got to seen so many university having issues of a student using fake result or fake credentials in the university ,with unifinity app university can simply insight and control the data of the student,it's not just a blockchain ,it is a first blockchain platform created as a dynamic interface ,connecting all blockchain innovation partners ,they provides all all the necessary infrastructure tools ,they help in empowering university to manage their blockchain at minimum cost and time

In most countries ,school manually process and enrolls there candidates which sometimes turns out to be so complicated ,some time wasting and energy ,also most university manually process the attendance of there student,new candidates enrolling in some university are manually process,in terms of merit during admission process most students are left out due to inefficiency of the university using manual process,but,unifinity believes that blockchain technology can be used as a powerful tools to improve the current educational system,with the first educational blockchain app with will enable university and parent to have full and insight of the control 0of all the related data

The main focus is providing support for universities and parents on educational and administration process through the use of smart contract

For to say about this great project ,and more to read and learn about then,it's is a very vabrilant upcoming projects they you cannot afford to miss about them,check out there website to know more about them



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