Bitcoin Vulnerabilities - One Page Punch

in #bitcoin7 years ago


Whenever I hear people defend something with absolution, the red flags go up. They place a loyalty where they themselves are willing to go down with the ship. When this happens, when a collective of diehard apologetics fight you because you said one bad thing about something, that thing has become a religion. And religion isn’t only about ‘spiritual’ things, because science to some people has now become spiritual, and many have made it into a religion.

No one knows the future, but you have people in droves following other people who are telling them the future-a future they want to hear. At this point, I don’t even think the elite know the future. Sure maybe they have their plans, but things have kind of been going their own way and nothing seems to be in control anymore.

Bitcoin, it has been around for maybe nine years from the writing of this article, but yet it’s the savior of the financial world. Or rather the deliverer of the financial Egypt people have let themselves be chained to for centuries. They’re putting their trust in something that is fickle to say the least. I don’t hear of bitcoin helping Puerto Rico out of their problems, and they use the U.S. dollar. I don’t hear bitcoin helping any of the many nations financially in trouble, but yet it will be the deliverer when collapse comes to the West, or it will preserve wealth, or at the least, you get to ‘stick it to the man’.

People, it’s a tool, that’s all. A tool that greatly has counter party risk. You have to believe that all the other people will do what they’re supposed to do for bitcoin to work. That includes all your fellow peers, all the computers, phone lines, the banks, and most of all, the grid must stay lit. Not to mention for a new internet currency not to come out making bitcoin look like a relic.

Greed has also surfaced. Ouch! I’m seeing greed in people where they’re reasoning why they are doing what they’re doing. Have you been stolen from through inflation? Yes. But let’s not lose our heads here.

I always thought, just for fun, how would I take down bitcoin, you know, since it’s indestructible and all (you would think it came from Krypton or something). It’s so easy, it’s not even funny, I would raise the price on bandwidth, specifically bandwidth the miners use, then they won’t be making a profit. Then they’ll be the first ones out, then it will crash, then people will have to be using their own bandwidth if they want bitcoin to continue, which will in turn make it very slow and expensive, and then people will be frustrated and go back to their video games and Doritos.

Told you it was easy.

By the way, check out my previous article…
Government Will Never Attack Bitcoin…They’re Secret Lovers

This has been your One Page Punch!!!

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Cool head. Am reading the other article. Now every one is religious and prophetic.