Bitcoin Price Action
For anyone new to Bitcoin, I would recommend you take a look back at what this thing did in 2014. I was there for this climb and crash and I have been saying for a while that this feels all too familiar.
I know that there are a lot of things different this time around but there are also a lot of things the same and one thing that will never change are the fundamentals of human psychology. I really hope this doesn't play out the way it looks like it is going to.
There might be some amazing BTC entries coming up in the coming months, I would tread lightly to all my trader friends out there.



I am not predicting a long term correction but Bitcoin has had a serious run up in price and realistically there is still a long ways down from where it was. Nobody likes the bears but no one likes losing money either. Watch your trades carefully.
Good perspective. I think a lot relies on the Lightning Network.
There are a lot more factors at play this time around but a true correction doesn't fix itself fast and to be honest, Bitcoin is overdue for one...