GCC, the guaranteed 8x

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited)

This article today is about a coin freshly added to Cryptopia 3 days ago, Global Cryptocurrency, GCC. Not to be confused with another coin under the same ticker on Coinmarketcap, GuccioneCoin.

You've probably been hearing the phrases "gem" and "10x" a lot on twitter lately. I'd imagine its annoying and you will probably kill yourself if you hear it again. So let's push that button one last time.

GCC is a gem. GCC will 8x.

A bold statement Mr Gigalo! Yes indeed, I like bold statements. 

It means you've either done your homework or you're about to be publicly humiliated.

In crypto where almost nothing is certain, (including which is the real bitcoin?) you'd be wise to keep bold calls like guaranteeing profits to yourself. However, incredibly rarely, you are quick enough to find a unique and undervalued cryptocurrency before the masses. The only thing needed to refine this gem into a huge profit is exposure.

In this article, I will show you the many strengths of this project and its only weakness, exposure. A weakness which is also an opportunity, and an opportunity that will surely be fleeting each day as they become known. This coin is going high. And sooner rather than later.

In 4 years of investing in crypto, I have only found a few gems I am so optimistic about I would say are guaranteed exponential profits. I am proud to add GCC to that list. And honestly in disbelief it has gone unnoticed, but thankful at the same time.

A gem to me is not any coin with a low market cap. And it is certainly not a coin that you should expect to pump once and plan to exit after 100% profits. ANY coin will give you 100% gains in the upcoming bull market. Even Dogecoin, I can assure you. If you want 2x gains, you don't need GCC. Stick your money into anything (including obvious scams) and wait for the bull market. It will double, I can guarantee it.

If, however, you are ready to begin your journey to life changing gains, you need to get out of the headspace you should exit an amazing project after doubling your money. It takes a long time to find a good project you truly believe in that is undervalued, don't throw that gem away after 2x gains. Gems are not one-trick ponies, and they have feelings too.

Bear with me for a quick detour from GCC.

With gems, a common mistake I see is the pumps where most people exit their position is the pump that gets the coin attention. The gem rises to the top of the exchange 24 hr change rank and people will research why the coin is pumping. And now that twice as many people as yesterday know about the coins existence, the first wave have exited.. At the moment it has just doubled its market reach. WHY!? The new researchers will deduce as the first investors did, the coin is a gem and buy in probably with a target of 100% gains. And so the price the first wave sold at becomes the new floor, and the price begins its ascent to new heights. Volume picks up, twice the buyers, twice the tweets, twice the exposure. This process repeats until you have a Nullex, Hexx or Banca situation where the coin is up 30x in a month, but 95% of the people in this period only made 2x. Because everyone is convinced they a hero day trader and can just move from 2x trade to 2x trade. I would wager not even 0.5% of people who sold Hexx or Nullex after the first pump are up more than 30x in 30 days with all their hero trading, All they achieved is fucking up the easiest thing there is to do in the world. Nothing! Once you have a gem, all you have to do to make gains greater than 5x, is NOTHING. Its that easy.

Reading telegram channels lately proves to me some people in the community just aren't ready to realise the full potential of coins. You can hand them a 30x gem on a plate and they will still sell after the first rise. So it is my hope that before handing away a gem I can guarantee you will go 8x from here, I help you first see that holding a gem longer than 24 hours and being able to hold through a 1 or 2 day dip is how you truly unlock its full potential.

So rule here, is always think about something called THE NETWORK EFFECT. 

Try to imagine when you buy a coin how many people know of its existence. Check how many people are in the telegram group. Check how many people are tweeting about it. Now after the first pump, think about how many more people are learning about the coin, and always remember as the community grows, so do the tweets, articles, community, and marketing reach. If your in a new coin like GCC, and the telegram group contains 450 users, your still completely unknown in the crypto community. Each person in the community that tweets has a reach of say 10 people. As the community grows, those ten people will reach ten more people, and so on. Continually and exponentially. The Network effect. Learn it. Understand it. It'll become dead set obvious to you to never sell an undervalued gem just starting its life of exposure with a tiny community for 2x again.

Got it! Ok great :) 

Now back to the gem at hand, GCC.

What is Global Cryptocurrency?

Global Cryptocurrency is an exceptionally fast Proof of Stake coin with a team of 20+ developers (watch this) who are dedicated to building up real-world use cases and multiple sustainable projects around the coin. There's a travel platform, an online cosmetics store, a 3D printing platform where you can buy and sell 3D models, real world 3D cafe franchises which is going to be huge and have just opened, a dating platform, a partnership with Bitfreezer which is a hardware wallet like Ledger, and more partnership announcements coming at the end of May along with the Whitepaper, Roadmap, and news on a new exchange listing which the team already has the funds ready to pay the listing fee for. If that sounds like a lot going on compared to really more than 90% of tokens in existence now days, your right. These guys are mad ambitious, and have proven they are not just talk by putting out these products. Some of the 1 billion dollar cap coins could learn from them. No names mentioned. 

Lets check some GCC stats quick

Marketcap: 7 million

Price: 100 satoshis

Circulating Supply: 850 mil

Another metric you will be very impressed with that has been constant the last 3 days is look at the buy support on this baby on Cryptopia.

GCC: 12 btc buy support, 7 mil cap

Now lets give this some perspective.

DIVX: 8 btc buys, 14,5 mil cap

HXX: 15btc buys, 22.5 mil cap

DEV: 12 btc buys, 12.5 mil cap

I could go on. This is fantastic, GCC has twice if not 3x more buy support than the 3 most hyped coins on Cryptopia right now when adjusting for market cap.

Ok, let's talk about the GCC team and the project itself.

The GCC team consists of over 20 members, with offices currently in 2 countries and plans to expand into further countries.

They are hands down the largest sized team with professionals in a variety of departments that I have seen on a coin with a market cap this low. And among the friendliest and most transparent telegram admins I have ever had the pleasure of communicating with. It is simply unheard of for coins with a 7 mil market cap to even have an office! Let alone a team of 20+ with offices in 2 countries. Most coins in this market cap tier usually consist of developers who are not even serious enough about the project to take it out of their bedrooms. Let alone reveal their true identity and therefore commitment to the long-term success of the project.

With GCC, you can immerse yourself in hours of videos about the project, 3D cafe's, photos of the CEO at blockchain conferences, side projects and the hilarious meet the team video. It is truly refreshing to see such dedication and commitment from the team to get their cryptocurrency truly used in the real world. With GCC if there is one thing I am sure of, it is that they are committed to the long term. I mean, if you're in it for a quick buck like so many projects, you simply don't start a 3D cafe franchise, have numerous partnerships under your belt, continuously go to exhibitions. There are easier ways to do that. The current trend is revamping a shit-coin and adding master nodes. It takes 1 week and theres youtube videos how to do it. No programming experience required!

One example of this coin being leagues ahead of all other coins in its market cap tier is the 3d Cafe Franchise they opened yesterday in Poland. The next one will be opening in Miami with the plot of land already bought. 

 This is the first of 188, (yes you heard me, one hundred and eighty eight), 3D cafes they will be opening in major capital cities worldwide,  a goal they plan to achieve by September 2022.

Watch the 3d cafe video

WOW! Seriously. What the actual fuck is this coin doing at a 7 million dollar market cap crypto community!!? There are coins with hundreds of millions in market cap that haven't even accomplished half as much as this coin, how is GCC so undervalued?

Well, we touched on it earlier. Exposure.

The are many reasons for this. The previous exchange they were on was in my opinion not even worth the time signing up for, and I tend to flat out ignore coins that are not at the very least on Cryptopia for many reasons. If a coin is not on Cryptopia, I don't consider the team serious about the project, and even if you think you made gains on these smaller exchanges, try cashing those gains out on the most tragic market depth charts you have ever dealt with in your life.

Rule of thumb for me, the baseline is Cryptopia. I will not stoop lower than that. And there really is no need to.

So GCC was added to Cryptopia on Tuesday, opening them up to a world of traders who like me, are not interested in navigating the smaller exchanges. On Wednesday they opened up Telegram and Discord channels, where for the first time since inception the community now has a place to gather, easily access the team for questions, and most importantly grow.

I have watched the telegram group grow from a handful to 450 members in 3 days, and as I'm sure you know the community is still tiny compared to others. This is good, we are early and the price is low, when there are 2k members in the telegram I can assure you the price won't be close to 100 satoshis.

Ok, so we have a new exchange, the start of a community. Roadmap update, whitepaper and a new exchange announcement coming end of May. The product is outrageously phenomenal and the market cap is low. What happens next? I'm sure you know.  

As time passes and people learn of this new coin, the community will grow. Tweets will fly, articles will roll, big Twitter accounts will start mentioning GCC. Network effect, more and more people will hear about GCC each day, and if the only thing that held this coin back was exposure, well. Get ready for lift off.

The team has contacted Tom Cridland's PR company who has helped promote Digibyte, and furthermore there are some big tweeters looking into GCC, I'm expecting a shill from them at any time. 

There is also some new partnership announcements coming in the near future, along with all the marketing buzz that will generate.

Most importantly if you watch their youtube channel you will see they are very adept with a camera and like to have fun filming videos of the team at work. Very professional looking videos in my opinion, but again, whats great here is the transparency it brings to the table and keeps investors up to date.

What your getting with GCC really is unique in the low cap scene. You're getting a team of professionals who take their job seriously and are committed to making the project (or more like many projects) a success. 

I challenge you to show me a coin with 5x the market cap that has achieved as much as they have in twice the time on the market. I think you will come up empty-handed, most of them are still in the game of selling promises. And we all know how that works out in the end even on coins with a cap the size of XVG.

What I am interested in now, is teams that actually have proven they deliver more than a whitepaper. And in a world where this is so damn common:

...all the way up to the billion dollar caps. At least i know with GCC the above picture does not apply. They have proven they put out products beyond expectation and work insanely hard. And they did this all without any attention from the crypto community. Impressive to say the least.

For those of you who like to lock up your GCC and stake, I would highly recommend it. This is a long term hold that also bears immense short term potential so lock those coins up now if you wish, stake them for 20% annually, and they will be worth a pretty penny before you know it.

A while ago I was contemplating getting a portion of a DASH master node. Or just any really long-term node and forgetting about it. But the thing I just cannot commit to is with bitcoin finally implementing so many features that made coins like LTC BCH DASH unique and fast, they just.... arent... any more. They have literally nothing going for them now that the almighty Bitcoin is finally getting the long overdue upgrades. And I cannot say I'm confident about many high caps making much gains long term aside from BTC and Ethereum NEO ICX.

How many more privacy coins do we need that just have a new protocol, I thought privacy was privacy. My privates more better than your private? Oh yeah. Well that probably means one of you is fucking lying. Cos private is private no? How do you get more anonymous than anonymous?

How many more cash only coins do we need that are just smaller versions of BCH LTC BTC money replacement no use case products. GCC is one of the coins that stands out as a coin that has, and will continue to have an ever increasing real world use case and exposure. And is mad ambitious enough to even be thinking about the very distant future. 

By building up 180 cafe franchises, travel and shopping sites, use case products, they have already proven they are willing to work hard. They have proven their commitment to the project, they have shown transparency and when it really comes down to it, their plan is freaking genius for the long term. Let me explain.

Let's take any one of their products, 3D cafe, travel and shopping sites, a dating app, etc. Let's take the 3D cafe for example. Take cryptocurrency entirely out the picture. What do you have? You have a functioning business that will profit anyway, much like any cafe. In fact, all their businesses will be profitable without crypto. What does this result in? This results in the development team constantly having funds. Funds that will grow the franchises they own. With ever-increasing funds, they can invest and begin new projects with greater scope. And with that comes ever increasing recognition of the GCC brand. Look at the exposure GCC has now (not much btw we as a community still need to market this gem). Imagine a few seasons from now a few more cafes. A few more side projects. The exposure and brand recognition just keeps growing. The network effect again!

And if you really want to go reaaallllllyy long term, 3d printing is the future. In the future, you will print literally everything in your house. Our nature is to want things instantly. I can go to the shops in 10 minutes, or I can just print the item I need right now. Which would you choose? This is admittedly very far in the future. But when everyone was hyping VR crypto's 2 years ago, well, 3d printing will become the new VR fringe tech one day, and then it will become a household staple just like your television. Amazon printed products straight to your house in minutes.

The crux of this article, and what investors really want to know is 

WEN MOON!!!?!?!?  WEN LAMBOOOOooOooo>!>@?!@?!@!

Well, let's have a go at this. I foresee this coin reaching 500-1000 satoshis relatively soon. And if bull markets hit in these next 2 months as I'm certain they will, that target can go as high as 1200-1500.

Wen soon?

Within the next few weeks. The only thing this coin needs is exposure, and its exposure will grow every single day from now on. The price is stable at 100 satoshis after being on Cryptopia 3 days. People entering tomorrow will target 200 satoshis, the people they sell to will target 400 sats, and the people who read this article will hodl through all that hassle and be getting a massage from Jessica Alba in Mexico along with Gigalo himself in no time at all. I'll make the booking now. 

Recap : Short, Medium AND long-term potential.

Hold for any amount of time you will not be disappointed. 

For short-term traders, again. Please do not target 200 satoshis, 500 sats will come faster than you can imagine (remember there is a new exchange in the bag, the team already has the funds, we will be hearing about that in 2 weeks) and if the crypto gods are kind to us and a market wide bull run kicks in, your looking at 8-12x in this summer period.

If you buy into GCC, make it a daily routine to tweet about it, let's get some discussion going on their new reddit too. Work for your money guys, half the jobs done, you found an undervalued coin. Try tweet in an informative and constructive way though, low-quality shills are ineffective and will just be blurred into any other coins low quality tweets. We have an amazing project here, make amazing tweets. Don't annoy people, and don't give away free ETH :)

I look forward to this journey the next few weeks with you all! Relax and enjoy this wonderful weekend friends

Dont forget to join the GCC official Telegram group and watch this amazing community grow. 

At your service, and forever faithful,

The Crypto Gigalo


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Thank you - well written and thorough article makes me want to open account on Cryptopia and buy this gem.

Wow, really good article, thanks :) I was on this 3D cafe opening in Poland (more pics from: https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@alexsund/few-pics-from-gcc-cafe-big-open-in-poland-gcc-coin _ )- great place, great idea of crypto.

Awesome write up! Well done. Keep up the good work!

What a fantastic, detailed, well-written article. Thank you for this wonderful writeup. Godbless.

Really good article on GCC. Thank you. I truly believe in this project. 3D printing is the future. I just wish they focused more on marketing.