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RE: One of oldest Bitcoin Exchanges Down for half a day. Reminder - Do not Keep Coins on Exchanges

in #bitcoin8 years ago

Excellent advice @kingscrown. For any noobs out there just starting out with Bitcoin your first investment should me in a cold storage wallet. In the article @kingscrown no one knows who owns the exchange and it's anonymous. Wow! That's a enough to scare me from using it. None the less it sounds like it has worked out for you for years. So Im not saying it's bad. Im just saying I wouldn't trust it. is the #1 Cryptocurrency Exchange!


BTC-e is the oldest of all the current exchanges - been around since 2011. They have always been a reliable exchange. If there was a reputation system for exchanges, BTC-e would have the highest ranking.

So it makes sense the government wants to shut it down with their typical BS "money laundering" accusations. What Alexander is really getting arrested for is running the exchange.

I was told the exchange wasn't making money like Poloniex, and other competitors. If you look it up, it's not on a lot of alt coin top 5 trading sites.

Just curious, where do you get your info for "top trading sites"? And what do you base that on?

I run a mining group. Our connections to some of these alt coins allows us access that most people don't have. We've stayed with Bitfinex, Bittrex, Coinbase for purchases, trades. When a coin value is high enough we store them into offline wallets.