Passive Income world; Bitcoin Mining for non-techy people

in #bitcoin5 years ago

What first started out as a hobby quickly become a passion to try and figure out what Bitcoin Mining was and how could i make it profitable for me. It's not going to make me rich but i'm running 3 rigs and 2 cell phones for cloud mining. I know it's not much right now, i'm barely going to be clearing $16 a month. When you think about it in the long run it's money in the pocket. I've been testing differenet applications and different sites only to find a lot of sites that don't do what they state that they do. So I started with some complicated applications and then went through my share of mistakes followed by my own mistakes and blunders included loosing $68 in mining profits to a scam. The good thing is that I learned from my mistakes. Now I've tried to alter the settings within cudo miner to gain some better profit but I can't seem to get the proper settings to work for me. For instance I change the power that will be utilized and yet my system turns off instead of increasing the hashrate until today. I found the issue that I was running into which was because of mismatched memory and the drivers for the Nvidia cards... I say cardds because I have 2 in this rig, Nvidia GTX 960's and they weren't being properly installed. Once I installed the right drivers and then removed GeForce Experience the rig started producing about 5x better then first tested. Of course i want to test and play with the settings more so that I can maximize the profitability from this rig but so far I'm happy with the outcome. So if there is anyone out there that wants to start mining but don't know what to do, if you play games on the PC or Laptop then you can Mine. Create your Blockchain wallet and then create your cudominer account and if you don't mind use my referral code so i can get some credits off the project. If not then ether way I'm glad to help anyone out who needs it. Thanks for reading my posts and I hope you enjoyed it and possibly learned from my mistakes. Bye for now.

https:// /?a=fVH882RG4
