Elon Musk: Tesla has not sold any Bitcoin

in #bitcoin3 years ago

The cryptocurrency market turned red after Elon Mask tweeted indirectly confirming the sale or Tesla's plan to sell bitcoins. Now, for more transparency, Tesla's CEO tweeted that the electric car maker has not sold any bitcoins.

In recent weeks, the bitcoin market has fluctuated sharply, most of them due to mask tweets and Tesla's performance in accepting these cryptocurrencies. Tesla invested $ 1.5 billion in Bitcoin several months ago, boosting its price.

After a while, the manufacturer of electric cars announced the acceptance of these codes as a payment method, which again had a positive effect on the market situation. But a few days ago, Elon musk announced that his company would not accept the cryptocurrencies because of the high consumption of fossil fuels for bitcoin mining. This statement put the cryptocurrency market in a red situation.

Although the market has been in bad shape in recent days, Elon musk made matters worse several hours ago by indirectly confirming a tweet that he was selling Tesla coins. The CEO of Tesla said that he was able to raise the price of Bitcoin to less than $ 43,000 for a while.

But now Musk, in response to a tweet announcing a 20 percent drop in the price of bitcoin after Tesla CEO's initial tweet, said the company had not sold any of its bitcoins.

Although such statements have improved the market situation, it remains to be seen what plans Elon Mask and Tesla have for the cryptocurrencies in the future. Maybe Mask's tweet is because the price of bitcoins will rise and then Tesla will sell its bitcoins. It is not possible to draw conclusions at this time and time will tell, however, Mask is likely to change the market again in the future with his tweets.
