Freebitcoin web found. What do you think of it? 最近发现了一个freebitcoin网站,怎么看?

in #bitcoin6 years ago

May I know how many of you have played Freebitcoin? I am just in recently, and I welcome all of you have discussions or suggestions here.


For the one who has no idea what I said above, I hope this post is useful for you. Today, I am going to share a website that can obtain BTC freely which is called Freebitcoin.


What is this?


This website can get bitcoin without topping up any currency. You need to register an account by using email address then you have the chance to ROLL a number every single hour, and based on the number you roll you can get a certain amount of BTC (actually is satoshis unit). In addition, every device can run one account only (unless you probably know how to switch the IP address. I have met few times that my IP address was occupied by others, in the end I had to close the website and re-start it again). Anyway, now I am gonna give a brief intro of Freebitcoin!!

这是一个免费抽bitcoin的网站,需要注册账号,每个小时就可以在里边抽一次freebitcoin,抽取的号码会对应不一样的奖金数额,且一台设备只能登录一个账号(除非你可能知道如何换IP address,我遇到过几次我的IP address被别人占了,所以我不得不关掉页面重新打开)。好啦,下面,我就介绍一下如何使用freebitcoin!!

At the beginning, we need to register an account on the website ( This is the referrer number of mine (i.e. 13202627). You actually can either use my referrer number or your friends’ because the referrer will receive an award if they recommend new fresh blood successfully into here. I will really appreciate if you wanna offer me your supports!!


We now can start to ROLL when we are in~ We can see that there are different ranges of number, which means we can get a specific amount of BTC at the number you roll each time in that certain range. If we lucky enough to get 10,000, then …............~.~! I found that their website also provide the information on how they calculate the ROLL number every click so that we can understand it is all about luck rather than the control right that they might have.


This is one click of my ROLL, then I own 0.00000013 BTC, which is really less!! Before they actually offered 0.00000030 BTC, but now less (due to the fluctuation value of the bitcoin. Bitcoin price goes up-->offer less, the other way is also true).

点一次ROLL,我中了0.00000013 BTC,真的好少啊。其实之前是0.00000030的,因为这个的数值是和bitcoin的价格波动有关的,当价格升高,bitcoin变贵了,人家给的就少了,反之亦然。

The above is the award record that I have, which pretty much can tell that I am a persistent man, haha😂. From the record, I am happy to say that I was very lucky to get 9959 and won 0.00000297 BTC. Not too much but still satisfied, who knows the next ROLL right ~~ 

上边是我之前的抽奖记录,可以看到我是一个很坚持的人😂,争取每个小时都有机会抽一次,从记录中可以看到,我有一次抽奖数字可以达到9959!一下赢了0.00000297 BTC,虽然不多但是还是很开心,谁说的准下次不是9999呢,哈哈哈。

Certainly, I think it is hard for us to be satisfied if we just own this little amount BTC which is gonna cost us many years to get one single coin, and it will make us lose interest and patient, simultaneously. But the positive part is we not only get the BTC, but also have 2 lottery tickets and 2 points (sometime have promotion), which give us another chance to get the luck draw.

当然了,如果仅仅给这一点点free bitcoin,我想我们是不会知足的,因为我们要存很久才能存到1个啊,这会让我们同时失去兴趣,失去耐心。所以他们网站在我们每一次抽奖后,还会给2个彩票和2个点(有时候会有促销),这个彩票就可以参与抽奖。

Look at it, this is one of all of the luck draw record, the 1st price won 1.2 BTC just use 106 tickets. There is no doubt that the more lottery tickets we have, the higher rate of win we get.

我们看一下,这是某一期的抽奖记录,一等奖只用了106张票就得到了1.2 BTC,当然了,买的或者拥有的彩票越多,中奖的机会越大。

The use of points is that, 1 point = 0.00000001 BTC. So points can be regarded as bitcoin as well. There are many ways can earn points, and FreeBitcoin ROLL is one of them.

另一个就是这个points的用法,其实 1 point = 0.00000001 BTC,所以points是可以当作BTC。有很多方式可以赢取points,免费抽奖就是其中一个。

In the end I want to give a short talk of Multiply BTC. The more coins you put into bet pool, the more coins you are going to earn if you bet the correct number. I play this quite rarely, after all I just start this website for two weeks, and there is still a long way to go to get more BTC. I am scared to lose all my effort here therefore I don’t play it so far.

最后我在简单说一下这个Multiply BTC,因为我玩这个玩的比较少,毕竟我才刚刚开始,账户里边没有很多BTC,所以我不敢赌很大,不然输掉我会很伤心。

Okidoki!! Everyone,  I really hope most of you can enjoy the introduction of Freebitcoin that I mentioned above (NOT for advertisement~!). I just wanna share some of my understanding and feeling to this interesting thing. What do you think about this? Looking for your sharing and have a nice day~~

你们觉得这个freebitcoin如何呢?欢迎大家来留言,一起分享我们的看法~nice day~