The Rise of Cryptomedia

in #bitcoin5 years ago (edited)

So, Tumblr decided it was time for me to leave.

I had already outlived my welcome, I suppose but what really broke the algos back was a link I posted to a Bitcoin Faucet - THIS ONE :

I thought it was a nice way to give back to the 600 or so, souls who followed me through the years and who suffered along with me in a space that was clearly in its death throes...

But no.

Tumblr decided that it wanted nothing whatsoever to do with Bitcoin - and be default - me.

Termination was almost instantaneous.

Fortunately for me - I not only could not care less, having seen over the past year the massive falloff in traffic - I already had a backup running.

So ends the Reign of Social Media

  • and long live the New Crypto Media.

Everything I was to post on Tumblr - now goes here :

And I am not alone in the exodus.

Folks who say that Blockchain and Cryptography have no uses beyond Bitcoin ( Tone Vays, Jimmy Song etc. ) simply have not experienced the complete fascistic frenzy of censorship engulfing nearly all of traditional social media platforms.

The Phoenician Controllers have figured out that Politics is now done Online with Memes. And they need to get the Populace back into servitude to their Gods.

But Bitcoin killed Molech - or, Mammon - if you're New Testament folk.

And they are trying desperately by self-immolating themselves on Twitter, YouTube, FaceBook and yes - even shithole sites like Tumblr - to bring their God back to Life.

They won't succeed.

They can't - at least until the next Reset when they bring population numbers down to a few million or, so - worldwide.

But that doesn't seem likely until 2046 - when our Sun goes Micronova.

Until then though - the Crypto World of Individual Freedom, Privacy and Immutability - will be unstoppable.
