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RE: The Trailing Noob And The Upcoming Bitcoin Bleeding

in #bitcoin7 years ago

The ideology of an utopia you seek doesn't exist my friend.

People gotta live, people gotta pay the bills, the ideology of a perfect world is left for people like Bill Gates who has more money then the rest of the world. There's 1 Bill Gate out of billions of people, and buddy you and I aren't him lol.

Tell that ideal to the guy making minimum wage, all he hears about blockchain is "potential" to make an extra buck and perhaps not all the significance behind it. Maybe that's because he's not as technology savvy or perhaps even something more basic as the guy's gotta pay bills to fundamentally "survive".

The average man here in the US in becoming the president is non-existent, to be your local city's council you gotta be rich to began with. Try doing the math of how much people spend to be a council man in your local city and you'll realize the American dream is only for the top earners. The American dream remains a dream for more people then you and I would like to believe in their entire lifetime.