The US Government Wants to Declare War on Private Asset Holding, Including Crypto Currency

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Whenever the US government declares war on anything, you can damn well bet, their real reasons for attacking it will never be mentioned. Take, for example, the war on drugs, aimed at increasing police presence and widening the power of government to interfere in citizen’s lives, or the ridiculous war on “terror” a thing that literally cannot even be defined, let alone attacked.

If it’s not enough that the citizens recognize this, we have members of congress put in the very awkward position of actually having to write laws, outlawing the arming of terrorists by the US government. But, as usual, in their campaign for “law and order” this group of thugs is about to double down.

Throughout the forty years since the War on Drugs began, a constant campaign of terror against poor, marginalized and ethnic minorities has seen the US rise to number one in incarceration of it’s citizens, most of whom are jailed for “victimless crimes” against the state, rather than actual violations of their neighbor’s rights.

But, in the background a quiet little racket has been going on and only in recent years, have we even begun to talk about it. It’s a thing so seemingly ludicrous that most people, hearing about it for the first time, laugh and chalk it up to Alex Jones, or some other fringe wack job, but it’s not just a conspiracy theory, Civil Asset forfeiture is a real thing, and it may be coming for your crypto currencies next. More on that in a minute.

First, let’s define this heinous governmental law enforcement tool, supposedly used to curb drug trafficking and money laundering associated with organized crime and terrorism. Asset forfeiture, legal in most states without a warrant, allows LEOs to seize assets from anyone, without accusation or charges of a crime. Not only can they take it, they can hold it, until you can prove, in a court of law, that it is yours. That’s right.

Not joking. It’s become so prevalent, that some states have funded entire communities based on it, and until recently, police departments partnering with the federal government not only had the power to seize it, but were paid a commission, from the proceeds, into their operational budget, without citizen oversite, to be used as they pleased. Millions upon millions of citizen’s money stolen, and spent by “public servants”.

The fear mongering accompanying the horrible 9/11 tragedy allowed passage of one of the most heinous pieces of legislation in American history, the Patriot Act. Under this act, the federal government has the means to force your bank and other financial institutions to spy on you and report any time you move more than $5000 in cash. That’s right. Any. Time. There are penalties when it doesn’t happen, and now they want to expand this nightmare.

As they plunge us ever nearer the precipice of disaster, they intend to cut off all means of escape. Their fear of cryptocurrencies and decentralized banking has spawned a fresh hell. On May 25th, a new bill was proposed. In order to protect their monopoly on wealth, the congress, under the guidance, I’m sure, of the central banking elite, has submitted a bill making it illegal to have a “medium sized” amount of cash without providing written notice to your government overlords. This is not a joke.

Not only would it be illegal, under this bill, but the penalty is stiff. If you refuse, or simply overlook, the filing of Federal Forms, the act of possessing such a fund outside the confines of a licensed banking institution would subject you to seizure of said assets, and possible imprisonment.

The bill, titled “Combating Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing, and Counterfeiting Act of 2017.” Lumps a lot of things into this category along with American paper fiat currency. Here’s a list.

  • Prepaid phones
  • Electronic gift vouchers
  • Electronic coupons
  • And….Bitcoin

In addition to vastly widening their definition of seizable assets, they are also increasing the list of reasons for a citizen to fall prey to this reign of terror. Along with a long list of money laundering and financial fraud descriptions, they have added this line, “Holding in excess of $10,000 in financial instruments”

That little nestegg in your mattress? Better report it, or risk losing it, but it won’t stop there! If Asset Forfeiture is enacted, this bill will grant them the right to go far beyond the assets in question and seize ALL of your financial assets and bank accounts. That’s right. Every. Last. Penny.

Here’s where it gets really cool! Didn’t do anything wrong with your funds? Does not matter. The fact you had them, now becomes the crime. You might have perfectly legitimate reasons for holding them, which in their view, you should have explained to them on the proper form. Guilty.

As with other Asset Forfeitures, the burden of proof, if you’re given that chance, will be on you. The expense of your defense, on you. The cost of their legal fees, on you. In fact, most people give up rather than see a dime of their assets returned. If you doubt me and haven’t googled asset forfeiture yet, why the hell not?

Their greed knows no bounds, tucked inside the bill’s list of assets seizable, without criminal charge, remember, is “safety deposit boxes”. All for not filling out the proper paperwork, which I’m betting, you’ll have a snowball’s chance in hell of finding, or getting to the right office for filing, just like every other government form in existence.

This has led many to recommend moving any liquid assets into offshore safety deposit boxes, which doesn’t make it a very good part of any “bugout” plan, but at least keeps it out of their reach.

I wish it stopped there. But oh no, their desire to protect us from terrorism has led them to suggest an increase in criminal punishment, from the current five years, to ten! So, to recap, you could lose everything, and spend a decade behind bars, for not telling the government you’re holding onto your own damn money!

Of course, to enforce it, they’ll need some new toys. Not a problem. They’re increasing their ability to wiretap and use surveillance, on any citizen “suspected” of holding, or transporting “excess financial instruments” which, remember, is anything over $10,000.

Of course, men in black suits and dark tinted SUVs aren’t that hard to spot, but don’t think they’re the only ones watching you. As I mentioned, your bank is already an unpaid agent of the deep state. Now, they want to make other types of businesses liable, including:

  • Stockbrokers
  • Casinos
  • Currency Exchanges
  • Precious metal dealers
  • & The post office.

Just in case you think “don’t ask, don’t tell” would be a good policy, you should know, those little metal strips inside your money? Yeah, those are trackable in airport security, at the post office, and even by police officers on the highway. That’s right. So, keep it sealed in mylar to “foil” their detectors. No, this is not tin foil hat shit right here, this is the real deal.

**All of this in the name of stopping terrorism should give us a clue as to how clueless they are, but here’s the kicker. **

In addition, they intend to include any business that “issues” crypto currency, which made me laugh. Since blockchains are decentralized, without a central authority, and automated, there is no issue. I’m not sure they realize these aren’t real, physical “coins”. Even with the FBI reportedly holding the fattest bitcoin wallet on the planet after busting Silk Road.

So, watch out “Chuck E. Cheese” watch out “TGI Friday’s” you’re next on the list. Any business issuing a virtual currency, redeemable for goods or services, would come under this jurisdiction.

For now, they only seem aware of bitcoin, which means, we fly under the radar just a little bit longer, but not forever. If something is not done soon, there will be no way to work around centralized government, to undo the mess they’ve made. What will happen to us then?






Creepy times! Let's go to Australia, there will be no taxes for bitcoin traders!

Yet. Trust me, if the rest of the world does it, they will eventually follow suit, but, sadly, you cannot immigrate to Australia, they don't allow it except under certain very limited circumstances.

Good article, creepy times!!

Times, I'm afraid, have always been equally creepy and awesome and for all their efforts, the universe is still a constantly expanding pool of inexhaustible potential.

I read up on this ACT earlier and it seems very convoluted and way too open to interpretation. We can get you if we want, but will decide when we want! type of thing. I think the legal side of this is going to be a mess for awhile and sadly probably get worse :(

I also read the act, @steemitadventure, it's goal (or any lawmaker's goal) is to leave the language vague enough to allow them to exercise their abuses of power legally. While it's in the early stages now, I think it has a good chance to pass pretty soon, bc the majority of people don't understand crypto and are afraid of it. The way the media has been running crypto is that there is a lot of uncertainty to go along with it, making the public fear it, rather than learn more about its potential. upvoted and followed @steemitadventure. Thanks for the post. Keep it up!

Legality, unfortunately, has not been on our side for a long time. Now that we have Amazon wiretaps ordering our groceries, if they want to catch us on something, they'll find it.

Civil asset forfeiture is perhaps the most heinous crime that government agents commit behind war. I knew it was only a matter of time before they came for crypto, and I'm honestly not surprised or shocked. I suppose that should tell me, you, and anyone else just how awful things are. When wholesale theft of property is hardly the worst thing you can imagine government doing, things already are worse.

Yep, and yet, we seriously have it so much better than so many other places. Sad to think, isn't it?

our selected (yes, selected not elected) officials are a despicable group of individuals and a cowardly bunch of corporate sycophants working for kleptocracy class. goodbye american dream - as one of the 'founding fathers' pointed out, america won't fail or fall because of an outside enemy but due to internal corruption. we are now officially rotten to the core unless we are able to put a stop to this type of lunacy

With very few exceptions, I wouldn't cross the street to spit on them if they were on fire.


You think asset forfeiture is cool? Please explain.

This is some pretty scary stuff if you stop long enough to follow the logical thread to it's conclusion. The question is, what happens when they back us all into the proverbial corner? Make the people hungry enough and this country will take a lesson from the French revolution. =(
Upvoted, Resteemed and shared to FaceBook.

I don't think we will. I hope, instead, we come to our senses, realize that they are not our source, we are in fact theirs.

They have us so fractured right now I don't see that happening. it would require some major changes on the atomic level (ie all the little people) for anything to change.

No more than for the French Revolution scenario, and for the record, only 3% of the colonists were active in the American Revolution. Might not be as hard as you think.

It's still a "hope for the best, prepare for the worst" scenario either way. I would like to think that somewhere soon people will wake up and fight back. But I guess I'm just too jaded.

You never know what we're capable of until we go without a couple of meals.

Write your Congressman/woman and Senators and tell them NO!

While I generally think this is futile in most cases, I've talked to mine. None of them would comment.

They really cannot stand not having control of every little part of humanity. Great piece, well constructed.

That's the problem, that authoritarian need to control. The very thing that makes a man want to run for public office, makes him unfit to hold the same office.

It's amazing how many people have this same view. And yet, they still get into office.
It should be a badly paid job, that way only dedicated people would do it.
I bet even then the same people would get in. They'd probably just find another way of taking back handsets and working the system.
It's so frustrating for us average joes.

If the salaries of elected officials was directly tied to the mean salary of those they represent, they would be forced to either accept something like 30% above average (since we want them to resist bribes) and make more by putting in place policies that raise everyone's status.

Didn’t do anything wrong with your funds? Does not matter. The fact you had them, now becomes the crime.

The war on cash has been a plan in execution for a while, but now it's ramping up in the US. Other nations to follow suit I suspect, if not already.

If they close the crypto loophole, they cut off our ability to stay afloat if it all goes under.