Especially For My Pride Of Lions.. Bitcoin: Important Updates And A False Flag. By Gregory Mannarino

in #bitcoin7 years ago

me smiling.png

The first thing that popped into my head, and I mean the exact moment when I heard that there was some type of computer virus spreading around the world infecting computer systems, locking data, not allowing people and companies to access their important information, shutting down hospitals, business, and the perpetrators of this attack were asking for payment specifically in Bitcoin, well to say the least I became very suspicious of a false flag event.

The effect on Bitcoin was immediate and sharp, a $200 drop.
The $200 fluctuation in the price action of Bitcoin is really no concern to me whatsoever, it is just the nature of how this supposed attack is being pushed through the main stream media and forced onto an already frightened public.

So other than the mainstream media pushing this narrative of a major, in fact the biggest cyber attack to date, I ask you, where is the proof that this event actually even occurred?
Why has not one major corporation come forward on any of the mainstream media networks discussing how this supposed attack affected their business? Not even a flunky representing a major corporation has come forward yet to my knowledge, (don't hold your breath waiting for any CEO to come forward).

It is clear to me that this supposed attack is indeed a false flag.
I am also more than certain that this attack, if real, is a deliberate attempt by the security agencies and the Federal Reserve system, a schemed attempt to poison the misinformed public into believing that cryptocurrency is bad, and they (the public) must avoid it and hold debt notes (US Dollars).

So my Lions, what do you think?

Gregory Mannarino
me steem.png


Any info that spread like wild fire is most likely fabricated, panama papers,pizzagate,and now this. When the MSM are in on it basically.

Same will also follow for follow.

Great content as always Greg. If anyone is looking for short term calls on silver, you can follow my blog. Its only my 2nd post, but i joined on recommendation of the great Greg and i intend update weekly at a bare minimum.

Link to my latest blogpost

Cheers Greg. Your videos on youtube and blog here serves as great fundementals for me.

Sick content mate! Keep it up. Made Money yesterday!

Loving this Site Gregory told us to come check it out... Best idea yet!

check out my blog as well and follow if you are interested

speculation gets us nothing! technology is changing. Steemit and bitcoin are the future. Like the saying goes, "there is nothing more powerful than an idea who's time has come." Everyone who follows Greg and is using Steemit look into "powering up" I invested 2 bitcoins into powering up and when I gave Greg an upvote it gives at least 5 cents and can go has high as 14 cents per upvote

Thanks for the info about powering up. Appreciated!

Good info as I'm still figuring all this out! I may end up buying some steem to help me along.

You're not alone there Stillwater!!!!

I just upvoted seveeal comments here and everyone got 5cents including you. Cheers!

Thanks. done the same

If its the future we are doomed my friend. Switching from one fiat to another is just ridiculous. If it actually fully takes off, it means that the world world is full of scared little sheeps looking for shelter or we just officially created a world of dummies which will make us much richer. Crypto, like any other currency, need to be backed or else a Chavez/Castro/stalin is on his way soon since at the moment the centrals banks are doing there type of dirty work by manipulating the masses with therr purchasing power devaluation etc....

Well, the beauty of crypto-currencies is that they are not controlled by a government or central bank. Money is an idea backed by confidence. It doesn't matter what we use as money, so long as we agree it has value. Gold is beautiful and rare. If someone uncovered a lot of gold, or developed a process for creating gold out of thin air (like a Star Trek food replicator, for instance) then gold would lose its appeal. Crypto-currencies can't be printed out of existence because they are created with a cap. Once that cap is reached, the currency can be subdivided into tiny amounts and still used as currency. The biggest weakness is that it needs the internet to work. No internet, no crypto-currency. But, really, it's all about agreement. It could be coconuts, just so long as we all agree it has value and we are willing to accept it in exchange for our goods and services.

Yes coconuts , coffee beans...etc...You see that is the problem. We already have a monetary system for most country. In my northern country where we house great salmon, maple syrup and fantastic hockey players is unconstitutional to tax money. That is why everytging is taxed in canada except for Gold and Silver Bullion. So my question is to you, what does your constitution say?

I get Crypto currency, the problem people think they are making a difference or challenging the "Elites" with this thing yet they cant even preserve what they already have as a right. Do you see how dum tgis is. That is why some people get rich, because the masses always follow the trends.

Crypto is not just about challenging the elites. It's about commerce, about exchange without the barriers a government puts up. Without making bankers fat.
Some US States are taking steps to prevent taxation on precious metals so they can be used as tender, like the Constitution says.
Crypto is like a foreign currency that doesn't have a central bank to inflate/deflate. The free market determines the price of crypto-currencies.
Sure, there are always things people can do to manipulate prices, but if you were living completely in bitcoin, for instance, those price changes relative to other currencies, you wouldn't notice. Just like we don't notice when the MXP changes value.
Everything has pluses and minuses. We just need to get educated. It's all about personal responsibility.

Yes im aware of for lifting barriers for trade we already have that and its called a coorporation. For more or less 100$ you get to open one up depending where u are in the world. A coorp does not need a passport;). I can see the convenience of Crypto as it is to make transaction simpler and much more however i do not see it as a concrete replacement of the monetary system in place. I believe its in its extremely early stages and more engineriing is needed. That is another reason why im very wary of this speculative side of the market.

The reality is that we are moving into digital money.......actually we are already in it and have been for a while. I hear your tgoughts and share most of them when i focuse only on Crypto, however in the broader picture of things, Crypto is one ingredient of many being mixed in the pot. Stay focused my friend.

FYI...coorp does have to put up with governement reg;) forgot to add this. So u make a point with that Crypto has no gov reg.....question is for how long?

Dont get me wrong if the masses pushes towards this type of crypto, then lets protfit....;)

thanks budp, all us newbies need all the help we can get

Thanks for the heads up.

Upvoted! Interesting event isn't it? Not that I'm not having a lot of fun with this steem thing or that I'm not enjoying trying to amass some of these crypto's for myself but this is exactly why me likes the physical! Whether it be precious metals, ammo, or lil' fuzzy pink dolls of Hillary with her own head up her ass, someone has to physically bind a physical loving guy to a chair and drive bamboo splints under his nails while Dolph Lundgren beats on him like in Rocky 4 to get him to give up his stash of twinkies. Never mind the physical guys security measures. Hell, Dolph would have a hole the size of a basketball in his chest not to mention being mauled by vicious dogs after which falling 10 ft. into a hole on a butt load of long rusty nails before he got the words " I must break you" out of his mouth. But then again, who's to say it did happen? I like the virtual world to an extent but anything can happen here. As they say, "if you don't hold it, you don't own it!" Always enjoy Mr. Mannarino! Long time fan.

A bird in hand is worth two in the bush. High five brother ;)

I'm hearing you Stillwater!

Re precious metals, I don't think that there's a massive following in the steemit community yet. I viewed many blogs (even done one myself on the topic) and hardly any votes or comments on the majority of them. When I search the 'Mining' tag, it is not precious metals that are discussed, merely how to extract extra cryptocurrency.

I think we need to do more blogs on the subject to educate the non believers!!!

I'm here for diversification but I think that the majority of people on steemit are just tech savvy people unaware of the fundamentals of owing a physical asset class.

Final thought/question: has a cryptocurrency backed by precious metals been created yet?

Thanks Graham. I'll do some research into this. Can anyone else vouch for this crypto?

As far as I am aware it is still in development but they should be coming out with a full platform pretty soon. I have held it for a while now. As with most cryptos you have to really purchase into the idea more than the finished product to make the most gains on you investments.

Thanks Graham that is really helpful. IT also gives me a little more confidence when others have 'bought in'.

Just ask around on reddit or take a look on YouTube for info on crypto projects. There are loads of great resources out there.

Don't be scared away by the government and press saying it all for criminals and cyber terrorists. They also use cash and normal bank accounts too!

The main issue is that we the people are being failed by our governments and we are creating new systems that will work for us and they don't like that.

Yep that's true.

To be honest I tend to do the opposite to what the government and media say!!
I expect you do the same...

Thanks Greg
I think they see cryto as the a huge threat to their power base.
They will destroy it or try and own it through regulation.

I agree with you but us little folks will never know the truth. All we can do is keep preparing and planning on what they will through at us next! Keep up the great posts.

The government does not like what they cannot regulate, I wouldn't put it beyond them to do this..

2 words: VAULT SEVEN, enuff said

Greg, i believe you are spot on. I tried to find something on it from a company or organzation, couldnt find anything. I mean it was just a matter of time before they figured some way to affect cryptocurrency or maybe even manipulate it. Great post

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I am not ready to call it a false flag yet, but there there are ways for the corporations to prove they were forced to send funds to the hackers... if indeed they did. Its called the blockchain, and every transaction from when Satoshi first fired up a bitcoin miner, to the transactions taking place while I type this out, are recorded for ever. It is one of the greatest features of blockchain technology and why everyone will one day be using it.

I have doubt about a false flag. It was a pretty lame virus, nothing new, apart from the specific new attack vector. Holes on Microsoft network protocols are well known and most organizations are well protected against attacks though them. Only the amateurs got infected by this one.

Micro-sucks is the Swiss cheese of Operating Systems :)

Plucky, pretty much all news is false flag, fake news, particularly if it's bad or shocking news. Trauma-based mind control is what they're after and they will continue to succeed until we realize all of the hoaxes that are presented to us.