Dystopianism: Hunker Down, Because the Worst Is Yet to Come. By Gregory Mannarino
Dystopianism: Hunker Down, Because the Worst Is Yet to Come.
By Gregory Mannarino TradersChoice.net
For many years, and for those who follow my work, I have attempted to explain that there is a deliberate and extremely methodical new order or “transition” happening worldwide. Especially as of late we are hearing these words; “transition,” and even more, the use of “transitory” in vernacular of the elite. Politicians, along with central bankers are using these terms more and more often.
In terms of the economy and the middle class, along with small businesses and entrepreneurship here in the US, there is certainly GREAT transition. According to the latest data, a staggering 90% of US small business startups fail, this is the highest level in history. And with entrepreneurship of the middle class, it’s the same story.
Every current economic policy being put in place here in the US right now, without exception, favors big business/the corporate agenda/the corporate elite. Therefore, as I have been warning for as far back as you want to go, THE MIDDLE CLASS HERE IN THE US IS BEING ERASED. (Yes, this is the “transition” which I have been attempting to convey in my work FOR YEARS will/would happen which raises yet another question… is this the same “transition” which the elite are also referring to? In my opinion, the answer is obvious.
What is going to greatly exacerbate the wipeout/transitioning of the middle class, exacerbate US small business failures, and with that, entrepreneurship of the middle class, is currency purchasing power destruction. Currently there is not a single “government” policy or otherwise which is even attempting to address the issue of currency purchasing power destruction. NOT ONE! In fact, what we are hearing are calls, and even demands! For lower rates.
In finance and economics there exists only two absolute truths/fundamental certainties, and these are:
- To have a strong economy you need a strong currency and
- To have a strong currency you need a corresponding rate high enough to support the currency.
All a weak currency does is allow for multi-national corporations to take advantage of the overseas currency exchange rate and therefore increase profits. With that, the cost in terms of losses in purchasing power of the currency, becomes an absolute wrecking machine for the middle class AND the economy.
These dynamics/THE dynamics which are currently in play guarantee that regarding inflation/currency purchasing power losses, we have not seen anything yet.
CONCLUSION: I view this as a deliberate mechanism which is assuring that we ARE being “transitioned” into some kind of dystopian yet to be defined new form of neo-feudalism. So, hunker down.
(It’s not so much the mask I hate, it’s what lies behind the mask which I truly despise).