Wells Fargo / Gallup survey: Only 2% of US investors own bitcoins

in #bitcoin7 years ago

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The survey showed that the majority of US investors who own cryptocurrencies are between 18 and 49 years old, with the male population having the highest tendency to acquire the digital currency. Likewise, the consultation evidenced the existing gap between investors who obtain more capital: they prefer the stability of the fiat currency than the fluctuating growth of cryptocurrencies. Most see crypts as a risk.

A survey conducted by Wells Fargo / Gallup revealed that only 2% of investors in the United States have bitcoins among their assets, a finding that, according to the optimists of the cryptographic ecosystem, shows a huge potential of the currency, while the most critical They consider that the result is a disappointment.

However, interest in Bitcoin remains high: 26% of US investors surveyed said they were intrigued by the cryptocurrency, although less than 0.5% of respondents indicated that they will buy it in the near future.

According to the survey, one of the factors that potentially impedes investment in the cryptocurrency is the perceived risk of trading with it. According to the query, 75% of investors in the US consider Bitcoin to be a very risky asset.

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Only 2% of the respondents answered that the trade with the digital currency was not too risky, while a negligible number argued that it was not risky at all. The entry of younger investors could, however, change the situation in the future.

"But, as the Wells Fargo / Gallup polls conducted in the past have shown, most US investors prefer to play safe with their investments, preferring stability over growth," wrote Lydia Saad, Gallup's senior editor, at a report and add:

Looking to the future, however, there are many younger investors who say they are currently intrigued; These can become the majority of investors once the currency becomes more conventional. "

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The survey also found that Bitcoin is more popular among men between the ages of 18 to 49 years. Additionally, while 3% of men revealed that they had digital assets, only 1% of women did. About 1% of US investors over 50 indicated that they owned bitcoins, in contrast to 3% of users between 18 and 49 years old.

The ownership of Bitcoin was also higher among those who earned at least USD $ 90,000. In this line, 3% of this population claimed to have purchased the cryptocurrency; otherwise it happened with the investors that have higher income: in this case, less than 1% claimed to own the digital asset.

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While only about 29% of respondents mentioned that they had some level of knowledge about cryptocurrencies, 67% of respondents revealed that they had heard about these digital assets but did not know much about them. About 5% of the investors surveyed indicated that they had not heard of cryptocurrencies. More men than women claimed to know something about Bitcoin: 38% versus 20%.

Age also played a predominant role in determining the level of knowledge about the currency. Among the respondents who were between 18 and 49 years old, 48% indicated that they knew something about the emblematic cryptocurrency, while only 22% of those surveyed between 50 and 64 years old had some level of knowledge about Bitcoin. Among those over 65, only 16% knew something about the cryptocurrency.