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RE: Segwit is shit

in #bitcoin8 years ago

This is typical polarized attitude we're seeing throughout the Bitcoin community lately. All I can see are black-and-white opinions and so little of the informed discussion open to hearing the other side. I am worried about that even more than I am worried about SegWit. And I am realy worried about SegWit. It is the biggest intervention ever in Bitcoin protocol. A true game-changer. Yet it is pushed upon us without wider consensus. And that is not the fault of Core guys. After all their activation threshold was 95 percent hash power. That is everybody's fault. Jihan Wu is acting like a fucking pharaoh of Bitcoin. He's basically saying hash power is everything. And that antagonized the community. Bitcoin must not become miners personal toy. That being said I am very worried about the fact that basic settings of Satoshi's white paper change with SegWit. If we radically change block structure, if we separate signature from transaction record, if we add the extended block... what remains of Bitcoin? What happens with the network long term? How secure is the new system? But something has got to change because network is congested. SegWit might be shit, but doing nothing is even bigger shit. I just hope Bitcoin stays relevant a year from now... and not some congested shitcoin falling in and out of top 10 coin list with every pump & dump scheme while Ethereum firmly holding 1st place. They mutated a goddamn immutable ledger through hard fork and survived it... and Bitcoin can't reach a thin consensus to upgrade its protocol. That is shit.