Bitcoin Drops As Google Next Fascist Overlord To Attack Cryptocurrencies, Blocking All Ads

in #bitcoin7 years ago

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Another Tuesday night, and I ain't got no price appreciation...

For once, we actually have a pretty clear indicator of what is causing Bitcoin to puke up it's dinner from last night.

That information comes in the form of an announcement from undisputed worldwide advertising king and juggernaut, Google, which has just stated that they will no longer allow advertising for cryptocurrencies, ICOs, or "other speculative financial instruments."

Power crystals, horoscopes, psychics, and flat-earthers are still OK apparently.

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Bitcoin, we can't leave you unsupervised for 10 minutes. Chart per ZH.

Note that this is clearly not a "moral" stand, as Google has nor problem indexing and runnings ads for AshleyMadison, perennial cheater-facilitation website, among a plethora of other nonsense and unverified products.

Apparently, Google thinks its customers are adult enough to be encouraged and facilitated to violate legal agreements like marriage certificates, but apparently they are too childish to decide what to do with their own investments.

Thanks, Google. What would we do without you filtering every last thing we do?

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Nothing but high-quality and respected business practices to be seen here.

I suspect a possible motivation for this move starts with a "B" and ends with a "rave". If Google puts the "kibosh" on cryptocurrency related content early (ie. before Brave is a threat,) then they can block Brave and any Brave related content and claim it's a violation of the ToS. Clever.

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I'm sure that part about being based on Chrome doesn't make it a competitor...

What this looks more like is simply another large corporation, which is effectively a gatekeeper of media access at this point, attempting to protect the "old guard" and prevent any innovation or advancement that could possibly rock the boat...because, you don't want to rock the boat when you are on top of a massively profitable monopoly.

Now, I'll mention as a footnote that with the G-20 coming up, it's possible to attribute this drop (in part) to market repositioning prior to the onset of talks. I'm not really buying it, but you may see this headline, so there it is.

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Sources: Google, CoinTelegraph, ZeroHedge
Copyright: Zero Hedge


I for once welcome Google's decision to protect the general public from crypto scams in the space.

I don't think ads should be promoted anywhere online, it is irresponsible and harmful for all those newbies jumping the bandwagon. It does makes me money though and it will cost me but I have nothing to lose in comparison with all those that just joined crypto the last couple months buying the ATH. Media is manipulating the markets and when I say media I mean private interests invested to crypto for fiat gains like Mccafee and the likes.

This is exciting !
The more they try to suppress crypto the more it will hit them in the face.
New technologies will arise from all this crypto war and Steemit, Investfeed
and many others will be more and more looked like a alternative for people who want freedom of speech.


Google is Mystery Dip buyer too.

Can't say we didn't see this coming.

I hate Google, they do much evil.

It's great that scam ads are blocked, but healthy crypto exchange ads and others are taken down as colateral damage. A blanket ban is never a good idea.

Are we sure that the bitcoin "market" isn't 20 mega owners in a circle jerk???

Maybe Google is genuinely doing what they would consider a service—it's not like cryptocurrencies are the stablest of markets, and it's failed coins are piling up, along with indictments. Just like the government swooping in to save the day, Google could be doing that, too.

Or maybe Google is trying to hedge off Brave before it can get started. Nothing like good old fashioned gamesmanship to prevent a would be opponent from taking them out through advertising on its own platform, no less.

Or maybe Google doesn't want to support the decentralization of currency or whatever else potentially comes with it because it is in the back pocket of large, centralized government with its own fiat currency and economy.

Or, maybe, because it's an ad platform, it doesn't like the idea of an attention economy springing up, cutting out the middleman and hence their main revenue stream. It's not been that long since they essentially gutted every other form of advertising. Surely they wouldn't want the same to happen to them so soon.

They found out if you play blackjack in vegas you get free drinks and some tits in your face.

No free drinks/tits at the crypto tables. Yet....

Time to start using Yahoo again...

Now let's not go crazy. -snicker- That said, I find duckduckgo a serviceable replacement for searches.

Haha yeah I think the days of using Yahoo are long gone..

We are seeing an all out attack from legacy powers against Cryptos. It will do a lot of damage, but it won't be able to kill the movement.

It isn't over until the fat lady sings...