IBM launches cloud service Blockchain through LinuxONE

in #bitcoin9 years ago

The company, ranked as one of the most prominent in the technology sector, will ensure that the benefits of decentralized technology book to their customers to ensure security and constant monitoring of large amounts of data that may not be altered.

IBM has announced the launch of a new service to its cloud, which is particularly aimed at organizations that require a security environment based on Blockchain networks.

According to the company, this service will allow customers to test and run Blockchain projects whose data are of a private nature guaranteeing the safety of themselves, which would be ideal for organizations within industrial sectors under regulation requiring performance guarantees.

Donna Dillenberger, member of management solutions for IBM said:

"The Blockchain technology will bring changes to the way in which usually the transfers of large value funds is made, as well as the financial instruments known ... to accelerate this momentum in the adoption of technology decentralized book, customers must rely on infrastructure and the system in which the runs Blockchain. With this new product that IBM makes available to the public concerned, we will provide great opening for the development of new technologies. "

By creating a permanent record that can not be altered, the Blockchain technology is more suitable to carry out entry and monitoring of a large amount of data, as in the case of financial loans or the wealth of information handlers within the airport industry. This technology also allows you to track other goods such as diamonds and precious metals, which surely buyers will want to know previous owners and points of origin.