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RE: The Math Of Bitcoin And Why One Analyst Says It's Not Yet In A Bubble

in #bitcoin8 years ago

Bitcoin is at a new high. It will retrace somewhere. Just like it has done time and time again in the past; each explosion reaching yet another all-time high. How high will it get? That is something I don't regard a topic worth debating deeply today. The next "all time high" will probably be somewhere in a range that evokes similar emotions as 1200$ did to those intimate with the technology back in 2013. This said, an argument can be made about a different, more educated, market landscape today - less willing to sink too deeply too quickly.

The mainstream media is going to be an interesting indicator. When they start blabbing about altcoins all over CNN and FOX - college kids and their 4000% returns - that is when the unsustainable FOMO kicks in. When your grandmother asks you about Bitcoin again, this time mentioning these "altcoins" too, that might be a good indication of some trouble in the water. Not that the ultimate goal of your grandma and Bitcoin is not a priority, this is going to take a few years; not this time around I'd say.

This is an excerpt from [What it is like riding Bitcoin bubbles: an adventure through the present cryptocurrency explosion](What it is like riding Bitcoin bubbles: an adventure through the present cryptocurrency explosion)

Might be a good read for some sentiment on "crypto bubbles"

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