Bitcoin Going to 2400USD? Premium Goods You Can Buy with BTC Directly

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

As predicted in my previous post (dont be lazy, browse wasnt that far ago) BTC has crossed 2k USD.
Now if we go by same mechanism that worked so far, next stop is 2400 USD and then 2600.

Lets say you have now a lot of USD worth of BTC. You want to go shopping for extreme stuff to show how you roll.

Maybe want a flat?

Or a car?

Maybe Star Wars stuff?

Okay so you have the target goods maybe.. how to make sure the guy doesnt scam you? How to be sure he has right documents and will pass them when you pay to fulfill contract ?

What if there was a site that lists expensive goods, verifies owners and make secure transactions by taking a fee?

Well there is one!

Its an very old service (from 2013 or 2014 if i remember) that lists premium goods to be bought directly with BTC.

So next time you have too many BTCs and wonder what to buy without exchanging them anywhere just visit this spot for your shopping.

Follow, Resteem and VOTE UP @kingscrown creator of blog for 0day cryptocurrency news and tips!


Ah, only 38 bitcoins for a cayman.

Those amounts of Bitcoin were given by faucets 7 years ago!

Think about it for a bit. :)

I'm still looking for happiness on the faucets :)

Wrap me pleace 2 Porsche Cayen)))

Interesting! :) How much time you spend per day on the faucets?

In a day not more than an hour!
But it took a year to accumulate $ 2 and enter the bittrex... Dont smile-it's trye!

Steam surpassed all my expectations! One article here is worth more than a year of claims from faucets!!!

damnstraight! try mining for altcoins n minergate too! istall it on as many computers and tablets a su can and u canmine bbytecoin eth etc and monero !
its worth it, your compyter does all teh work and yoru android devices (and soon ios app) use my link, its afair and sustainable program, i just get 3070 perccent of the 1 tthey take forom teh coins u mine as the mining pool fee, u dont even notice it

im all about passive income programs u can still take advanatge of!

With this bitcoin cost, many faucet stopped paying at all ...
The screenshot shows that the delay in two months by 0.001 btc ((

I was little late to party so i got on faucet that gave 1,5BTC per 1 gmail address back then.... ;))))))

Haha and how many adresses had you made? ;) :)

Not many... BTC was worthless...

except to the smart ones

not many will be holding those faucets bitcoins now :)

So many people reinstalled their computers with Bitcoins still on them. :( They had burned their hands and now they know.

And as we can see, even fun coin as dogecoin can have a value.

Just HODL all crypto and it will be fine!

lol u realize thereis an actual HODL coin now so that just makes it even,ore confusing when peopel say to HODL

Just want to buy more bitcoin at this point!

start mining man! minergate lets u mine on your ownhardware! Windows lac linux even Android! I started making like $1 per month per tablet, now it quadrupled because of bytecoins price increase i was able to get multipel bytecoins a day
u can still mine monero and make a good profit, takes a hwile but ining bytecoin is teh best u canget tons of em! u KNOW theyll be worth $1 soon! This minergate app is also gree and u just register an loginwith same login on multiple computers! the more u can install on temore youll make! U just push a play button to start! its the eaiest mining app!

doesnr this interface just look delicious!?!?!! dude youll have like 100 bytecoins in days! those bytecoins (BCN) will be worth ALOT oneday! theyre already skyrocketing in value!

Beware on minergate. Make sure you enable 2FA .. unlike my noobness

You should rephrase that ,..ur are making it seem like its minergates fault! u shoudl ssauy 'Beware with ANY account.."
yes i enabled 2FA on every account I have!

I would enable 2fa on steemit if it were an option!

Instead i just keep everything in steempower so even IF a hacker got control of my account they would need to power down and wait a WEEK to get anything! and even thenit would be 1/14th! lol and that wont happen, very few stemit acounst have beenhacked

i am gonna upgared all my devices to brand new hardwware soon with the most security i can possible have

all my coins will be kept in ledger hardware wallets or paper cold storage bitcoin armory

i hate the idea of getting hacked, nver bitcoin hacked but my paypal was scammed my gmail had been bbroken into before i had 2fa, ive been good for about two years withoyt any incienta nd Joseph Yaghoobian the scammer is now in jail so he wont be scaming anyone else...
i would love to hunt down every scammer alive and I support the idea of putting internt scammers in prison for life to deter people

when I have enough money i will start buying alot of hardware wallets and ledgers and i will be handing them out to people on steemit...maybe ill get enough steem too pay for iit!

too many toop steemit whales are making THOUSANDS of doollars pr ost and just keeping it all withot sharing even a little to a bunch of us...i know if i was making that much i woould go find some striiggling minnows and give em like 10 bucks each come on ....or buy us some legers...i meani alone ave proobly brough thouands of dollars to steem with the dozens oof popel ive brought on baord over teh last few weeks! dome are buying steepower too to get a head sttart!
steemit shales shoudl be giving back more! tey should be buying mor eof us LEdger hardware walets! its not fare that we cant have safe bitcoins just ebcause we cant afford a hardware wallet, we all destev harwdare wallets...paper bitcoin armory paper wallets work good too tho but we need a seprrate machine offline to correctly rn it

i dunno i hate to be caught complaining i just wish the toop steemit earners would recognie they are only succcesful because of al of us promoting their articles and showing our friends "WOW LOOK HO MUCH HE MADEOFF ONE OST and they DO spenmoney on maing steemit better sure BUT we should be experiencing alittle more free giveaaways froom whales i dunno seems like theyre all too caught up with thir own ned for more crypto to elp out the little guys...

its ok tho their upvotes alone can do more for us tthan whatever steem they might send i guess it only gets better from here

Nice. We're thinking of accepting bitcoin for our coffee. The only problem is that our current market is too small and international shipping prices for a bag of coffee are ridiculous. We're hopeful and still exploring!

Oh it would be at least free marketing. Coffee and bitcoin add up ;)

Is 5K possible this year? I think it may be as more people learn about bitcoin it's kind of self sustaining in terms of the word spreading further and more regular people getting FOMO.

people said 3-5k so yeah still we are in range ;)

Just a heads up. All the things you mention to buy are Liabilities. I would like to see some cashflow assets I could by with bitcoin. Not just Money Suckers like most people like to buy.

Big 1up for sheldonassad, could never agree more!!

If bitcoin is ever going to get the worth of 1 bitcoin for a ferrari,. then ppl are going to starve just trying to buy one.

thats not how bitcoin works...u dont have to buy a whole bitcoin lolol

PLUS butcoin oesnt CARE how expensive YOU think it is! 1 million 10 million it doesnt give a fuck and NOONE canstop its price increase! maybe if central bankers stopped printing mony LOL Theyll have to MINE crypto and NOT print it!

hey they miht evenmake rules against mining and claim its "counterfitting" LOL i hope they do it will just make crypto more valuable

the daysof making crypto illegal are over..japan is about to become first crypto nation and it will reap teh rwarrds like crazy everyone in japan wil be millionaires and peopel wil go "where did all this money come from?"

its ALWAYS BEEN HERE its just the elite have been HOARDING it all! we made our OWN NEW money ststem and wWE have all the wealth! our collective hard work goes into CRYPO currency now and NOT fiat paper money IRS jew dolars!

i hope i wont wait till then to get some ,, im praying for a descent correction

If Bitcoin price gain 2x, ETH will follow and gain 4x
I rather buy more ETH when Bitcoin soar.

buy tesla..

i love tesla btw.

I surely would like to have Tesla :)

If y'all have more than 0.5 BTC make sure you spend a few satoshis for a hardware wallet before you buy a condo.

Congratulations @kingscrown!
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  • Upvotes - Ranked 6 with 461 upvotes
  • Pending payout - Ranked 3 with $ 718,56

I'd love to profit enough to buy a place to live. Nothing too fancy, just somewhere to call home.