5 days ago i said of BCC/BCH News.. Now they killed BTC in Trading Volume!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

BCC/BCH guys are not stoping.

Yesterday we could hear about whales like Roger Ver thinking of flipping their BTC for BCC, today we see this craze.

Korea is Driving Prices

Of course some people just dump it and are happy.

My plan ?

I sold some but mainly im holding what i have, no idea what will happen on this coin. There are 2 strong forces here and time will tell how it works out. I trade this on Bitfinex and HitBTC for now. Sometimes theres arbitrage options with Bittrex but keep in mind - its currently mining really slow, so hard to take advantage.

Follow, Resteem and VOTE UP @kingscrown creator of http://fuk.io blog for 0day cryptocurrency news and tips!


If bitcoin cash solves the transaction problem of bitcoin, I bet bitcoin cash will beat bitcoin in soon future.

The problem is bitcoin cash DOES NOT solves the transaction problem of bitcoin.

I got lucky to buy some BCH just before it boomed this week.

It is still slow to confirm. It took an hour to confirm

Plus not everyone is supporting BCH

If you want a coin that solves transaction problem of bitcoin, try litecoin or ETH

One hour to confirm? Mine are getting through in a few seconds. OK that's not the same as confirmed, but unless, there is a scammer in deal, its a done deal within seconds.

I'll check when I buy BCH again.

What about the cost per transaction?

I have not compared yet. They are saying BCH has lower fees but that changes every day
And Litecoin or ETH will still have cheaper fees

Must have been right before the difficulty adjustment. It's must faster now.

bro, its about speculation and BCH cannot harm BTC that easily.
I am sure BCH will go down again once the 8MB block mining hype is over because nobody is concerned about the technical issues. Crypto is all about hype and BTC will always be a winner.

You are so wrong. BCH is not hype, it's a growing snowball of support for people who want REAL open-source crypto-currencies -- not some chain molded to the will of a company , ahem BLOCKSTREAM

What makes BCH more open-source than BTC? I only see fanboys defending BCH probably because they are invested in it.

It would be good to have a disclaimer under each opinion of how much of each the author owns.

It doesn't have to harm BTC to take over it.

As someone who wants to use cryptocurrency for trade, I can't use bitcoin at its current form because I don't want to pay tens of dollars to send a few dollars. Transaction fees are unbelievable high. If you mean BTC will be always winner as its current form, I have bad news for you.

I've said it many times before - jokingly: My favorite conspiracy theory is that the bitcoin schism is manipulated by some persons or agency with strong vested interests in fiat. They manipulate both sides of the debate, a bit the same way as Palpatine and Lord Dooku in the Star Wars triology managed to start the Clone Wars through evil manipulation.

Bitcoin Cash fits perfectly in. The ultimate goal for the Bitcoin Cash supporters is to kill Bitcoin and become the new Bitcoin. The hope is that a big amount of miners, occupied only with their short-term profit, will defect the "segwit coin" and start mining on Bitcoin Cash now as it's temporarily more profitable right now. If a sufficient amount of miners would do that, it would be very bad for bitcoin. The Bitcoin Cash supporters hope Bitcoin Cash will become the new Bitcoin. I think it would anyway be years before the Bitcoin Cash market price would reach the 4000 USD mark, all miners would lose in such a scenario - as would crypto, in general.

r/btc on reddit would be the natural place to rally support for SegWit2X - instead it is totally consumed by Bitcoin Cash fanatics, many of them hoping SegWit2X will be a great failure because they believe it will be easier for Bitcoin Cash to compete with Bitcoin Core than SegWit2X - others hoping the 2X hardfork will end up as a total disaster, as that would benefit Bitcoin Cash.

I strongly believe SegWit2X is the only true path forward. We need one Bitcoin. There are only three things that makes Bitcoin outstanding in the jungle of cryptocurrencies; the network effect, the brand name and (arguably) the strong security offered by the extreme amounts of CPU-power locked down in the mining hardware. Split the coin, and none of those benefits remain.

2x is a shit compromise for everyone except the creators of SegWit, which itself is simply a bad upgrade. It alters far too much, and its promises of "backwards compatibility" fall somewhere between stretching the truth and outright lies. If it's a scaling upgrade, it's unnecessary, as the same can be achieved with bigger blocks without the excess complexity. If it's just a malleability fix, then why does it leave virtually no part of the codebase untouched? People at /r/btc have been saying this about 2x since the day the NYA was signed, so it shouldn't come as a surprise that given the chance for Bitcoin to have onchain scaling without SW, they are going to be more supportive of that option. I agree that a malleability fix is needed, but it can and should be fixed with a hard fork, in a fraction of the lines of code.

The only reason for designing an over-engineered soft fork in favor of a hard fork is if there is an ulterior motive to prevent any and all hardforks - the heavily pushed narratives that hard forks are simply too dangerous to attempt lines up with this. Given that essentially none of Core's arguments against increasing the blocksize can stand on their own merits (hence the need for censorship over at /r/Bitcoin), it is clear that there is an unspoken agenda guiding their decision making process. The Core Devs have abused their position of power by getting involved in politics; it would be in the interest of all stakeholders if the authority they exercise so readily became a thing of the past.

In case it wasn't already obvious, I am in the camp that hopes to see Bitcoin Cash become Bitcoin by becoming the chain with the most cumulative PoW while the legacy chain fades into oblivion. There is no functional difference between BitcoinCash with FlexTrans and BitcoinCore with SegWit, other than a higher throughput for on-chain transactions. All the fancy new tech that Segwit is allegedly "necessary" for require a malleability fix, not SegWit specifically, so we'll still get LN, atomic swaps, and the rest.

"Split the coin, and none of those benefits remain."

I agree 100% on that.

Tobixen, you are mostly correct but you don't seem to include (or know) the full story.

Are you aware that /r/btc was created to get away from the blatant censorship in /r/bitcoin?

The people who want to get away from the censorship are the same people who made BitcoinCash a reality, duh!

That's of course why /r/btc is full of BitcoinCash heads, as it well should be!

Everyone needs to learn the real, full story -- and stop supporting Segwit Crap which has no future and is not good for the nature of Bitcoin. Segwit is not the proper way to scale, nor is it the way that it was intended.

Are you aware that /r/btc was created to get away from the blatant censorship in /r/bitcoin?

Allegedly, yes - but if my Palatine/Dooku-conspiracy theory is true, then no, that's not the real reason :-)

What is bad about Segwit? I still haven't found a decent argumentation that is not biased due to the invested interest in either BTC or BCC.

it wouldnt be bad if you have been a prophet

Problem is everybody who had bitcoin during hardfork has also bitcoincash and therefore it is in many hands... An bitcoin is about to burst the bubble so people will sell and bcc will rise

Don't be a fool. No one can kill BTC trading volumes. BTC trading volumes will always go up in the long run.

BCH just did and honestly I do believe IOTA will detrone Bitcoin soon.

the thing is that as far as I know there is nothing we can buy with BCC. Correct me if I am wrong but if I want to use BCC in the real world I still need to convert to BTC.
So how can BCC prosper to replace BTC
if it needs BTC to be of any use in the realworld?

Hi, you can buy iMedDo Health Supplements with Bitcoin Cash. (www.imeddo.com) even though is not one of the currencies supported by the coin payments.net button on the website you can use our Bitcoin Cash address 18XstiSVL1kvi5i5rBFx88ybDHh31AyL7L but please email first [email protected] and include your shipping address to use when we verify the payment.

The crash of Bitcoin Cash is about to happen all over again starting... now.

http://www.FlippyCoin.com is the #1 Cryptocurrency Exchange!

I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for it.


Lol so random wtf

Looks like a BitCoin address ;)

What can be learned by this the most, is the pig-headed comments by these people who "dump" and advertise it.

Never trust people who do that -- EVER.

They do that only to:

  • (1) Hopefully get people to do the same, getting their own investments to profit


  • (2) To cause collateral damage for those people with other views and beliefs.

These people are not leaders in the crypto-space. They are disgusting.

They should learn to have some CRYPTORESPECT

Disclaimer, I do not own hardly any BTC or BCH/BCC simply because I can't afford to.. but if I wanted to park my money any one of those coins, I would not want these 2 people you quoted influencing my decision.

Instead of "Pump-and-Dump"

..these people are "Dump-and-Advertise" -- it's just as bad.

I wonder which coun benefits out of this confusion?


Wait till all the broke "gifted investors" come back crying how much they've lost on pump&dump BCH and how much money have been stolen from you because you gave your BTC private keys to LUNATIC Roger Ver.
Bitcoin Cash = lunatic ROGER VER.

Almost all "suggested wallets" are just fast "tweaked" clone of regular BTC wallets ...... hosted on websites Roger Ver is behind .... hosted on anonymouse hosting and anonymous domain registrars (all with BTC payments), with WHOIS GUARD (another layer of hiding true identity of owner)

But unlike all his failed attempts to parasite on BTC (Bitcoin Classic, Bitcoin XT, Bitcoin unlimited), now he hides his involvement but wants your private keys.
Almost all BCH trade volume is ROGER VER trading with himself to pump the prices before he dumps everything.
That is the ONLY PURPOSE of Bitcoin Cash.

Let's see how it unfolds. One Bitcoin is would be the best for the majority.

Do you think Bitcoin will go back up when BitcoinCash settles down?

I think Bitcoin Cash is intentionally trying to destroy Bitcoin, the problem is that this is damaging even the altcoins. Just look at Coin Market Cap today: https://coinmarketcap.com . Bitcoin Cash up to 50%, the others down! No way Bitcoin Cash can be useful to the market.

its not like that. ALTs are making their place slowly. They are not going to be down all the time. Its a hype game and there are many sleeping ALTs that we see skyrocketing. NEO was one of them before a week ago and now its going down. Also day traders jumps from crpto to crypto and they run after the one going up.

Bitcoin Cash is trying to destroy Bitcoin, but only so that it can take its place and become Bitcoin. I wouldn't call normal market fluctuations "damaging to altcoins," alts do the same thing when Bitcoin or Ether goes rallies hard as people sell them in order to ride the rally upwards.

BCH isn't trying to destroy BTC.
It's just another Roger Ver scam. This time he also wants your private keys.

Should have dumped all mine at 0.3 the first day but happy to cash out at today's price. I look at it this way... free money which will convert to BTC and give me 10x and some in the long term.

I can't think of any compelling long term story for BCH that has it even close to tracking BTC. Just a short term distraction IMO.

Wow, Bitcoin Cash is getting pretty big and quickly. I was hoping it would die off. I guess we'll see. I already sold mine.

http://www.FlippyCoin.com is the #1 Cryptocurrency Exchange!

You may be right that it's a short term distraction, however if you're wrong you sold your Bitcoins for 30 cents on the dollar. Did you stop to think about it in those terms when you made the decision to sell?

I cant wrap my head around why BCC is currently pumping so hard. I guess the belief from the believers is strong....

Could it be because it is Bitcoin as described by Satoshi in the whitepaper?

I had just sold my BCH :(

always hold and live a life where you don't need any of the money you put into crypto.

Right now crypto is such a speculative market that it will most probably burst in more than one occasion. So you have as much as you would have in a casino, you only have the money you get when you cash out.
You did, so you are fine.

roger ver is famous for price manipulation, don't listen him!