Bitcoin or Gold..You Decide...

in #bitcoin8 years ago

Hey Guys,

Here I am with my new article..I am going to detailed some facts regarding a hot topic..Bitcoin or Gold, which is the best community to invest in long run? What is popping in to your mind? Let's see.

"Holy cow" Bitcoin has passed the gold price like cutting a cheese cake. Yeaah! It happened. Bitcoin has left gold in ruins in last few months. The Bitcoin Investment Trust Shares have almost tripled in value in the last twelve months. Meanwhile, SPDR Gold shares are down 3.78 percent in the last twelve months and up 4.49 percent in the last three months.

Is this a just hype or something fundamental thing is cooking? Hard to say. But I know for sure there’s a rising disbelief of national currencies, following corrupted government policies, which has pushed people into Bitcoin. But the question, Is this makes the Bitcoin better than Gold to invest in long term?


Gold seems to have a consistant demand over the time. Their demand are in jewellery, electronics, and as investment. China and India make up a huge portion for gold jewelry due to old customs and traditions.
demand are in jewellery, electronics, and as investment.

Bitcoin’s demand depends on those merchants who have adopted bitcoin as their digital currency. Of course the volatility of BTC market attract the traders to trade in BTC which helped lot to increase the demand for BTC in recent past. Most of the BTC users do not have much mercy towards bank (simply Bank haters) due to their annoying fees for the transaction across boundries. However the truth is, bitcoin usage is not seen as so common and widespread as gold yet.

Based on demand the Winner goes to GOLD


Everybody knows supply of new gold is limited since still much gold lying undiscovered . But no one knows for sure how much gold is out there. At current rate of production, it is forecasted that gold may run out by 2030. So gold is rare.
BUT BTC is rarer. In other words, it is designed to be truly limited. Only 21 million coins to be exact. The present number of bitcoin in circulation is about 16 million bitcoin. This means just only 5.5 million bitcoin is up for grab!. So aimple truth when lower the supply, higher the demand, higher the price.

Based on supply the Winner goes to BTC.


Everything has it good and bad times. Even in our lives. Bitcoin is known for its extreme ups and downs – ranging from a few cents when it first started and peaking at USD 3000 in May-June 2017.

The great thing about investing in gold is that there will always be an industrial demand for it in terms of jewelry. In other words, there is baseline value for it. Its price cannot crash below a certain line otherwise it would hit this base demand. But stability means that “buy low sell high” bring a lower profit margins for the traders.

So instability terms..The winner is GOLD


Gold has a few thousand years of commodity since ancient times. It first become a trading commodity in US in 1971. Bitcoin only just started trading in 2013. Who is Sathoshi Nakamoto? Anybody see him??

Winner GOLD


We have had some bad news of bitcoin being hacked, stolen or lost . But, we have hardly heard news of stolen gold that were originally stored in vaults. Cause tangibility...

Winner again GOLD


Gold is easier to convert in to cash. Almost same price every where in the world. There are so many market places where you can sell your physical gold – bullion sellers, pawn shops, etc. But BTC is only accesible via internet. Only a select number of investors are interested in it. Somebody can argue that it is enough for its growth. But it depends..


May be it is crazy to compare BTC and GOLD, since they are not related in any aspect. Conventional investor may think GOLD is the best investment because of above factors. But Kenobi is a radical..So I invest in both..No harm for me to take a risk once in a while. NO PAIN..NO GAIN...
So decide by yourself...Are you a conventional thinking investor?

See you soon..Upvote and follow for more..
Until then

Obi Van Kenobi


bitcoin is my first choice this digital world bitcoin would win price is not moving so much..btc also effect for all crypto currencies..also for steem price...

Very informative post

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