I keep looking at prices of STEEM and BITCOIN all the time. Between meals, at red traffic lights, during the night if I go to the bathroom.... Not during sex because my wife would kick my ass to the curve, but believe me I thought about it.
Prices going UP and DOWN in a split of a second.
My money goes UP and I start singing in my head "Party in the Ghetto" song.
My money goes Down and a huge silence almost like in a hospital and all the sudden you hear a FLAT LINE BEEEEEEEEEEP.
I am still learning to coupe with those feelings.
Then you have to deal with "afraid of bad decision and losing money"
Something that keep happening to me. I get a gut feeling of making an investment then doubt enters my head. after long hours of deciding if is wise or not, if should or shouldn't , I make the decision to let it rest and come back to if later . Next morning I forget all about it. In a couple of days I see how much money I did not make for not following my GUT FEELING.
I guess many of us have been through moments like that. When you are not so used to taking risk with money. I am sure you've heard your parents say "...money don't grow on trees! My mother used to say that a lot. Every time I am taking a risk with money I hear my mother saying that like a drill bit on the back of my head, through my hypothalamus and through my left eye. Get the picture?
That's why I get cold feet at the moment of taking risks with money.
Bottom line you need to be a little insane to invest in any market and if you are not, I can assure you, you will get there soon enough.
Insane in the Brain: by Cypress Hill