How to Stop Sites From Harvesting Cryptocurrency From You
How to Stop Sites From Harvesting Cryptocurrency From You

"Your browser might be doing someone else’s dirty work behind your back, mining cryptocurrency for malicious individuals using your desktop or laptops to create the digital currency, which can potentially be exchanged for real cash. According to Wired, hackers have found a way to inject Javascript-based cryptocurrency mining software into compromised sites, borrowing your processing power (and slowing down your computer) to generate the cryptocurrency Monero without the approval of the site or its visitors. Luckily, there are some ways to stop the dirty tactic without resorting to staying off the Internet for good"
No coin is a tiny browser extension aiming to block coin miners such as Coinhive.
The extension is simply blocking a list of blacklisted domains in blacklist.txt. Clicking on the icon will display you a button to pause/unpause No Coin