You gotta admire a man who will stick to his word...

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

John McAfee stated some time back that he would eat his d$ck on national television if Bitcoin did not hit $500,000 by the end of 2020.

I wrote about it back at the time:

It sounded pretty crazy at the time with bitcoin trading at $2,700 per coin. It sounds a heck of a lot less crazy now. 

Well guess what, he isn't backing down from that at all.

In fact he is doubling down on it!

Check this out:

That's right, John McAfee is now saying that if Bitcoin doesn't hit $1,000,000 by the end of 2020, he will eat his d$ck on national television.

Personally I am starting to wonder if this guy just wants to eat his manhood on national tv. ;)

Though he does seem to have some rational behind his predictions.

According to McAfee his change of heart is because in his previous model bitcoin was "only" projected to be at $5,000 by the end of 2017.

Now, with bitcoin trading north of $10,000 at the end of 2017, he has to adjust his numbers and the new model is spitting out $1,000,000 at some point by the end of 2020.

For his sake, and even more so, all of our sakes, I hope this guy is right!

Both because I really don't want to see him do that and also because I would love for cryptocurrencies to make us all very wealthy, but mostly because of that first part.

I do know one thing about Mr. McAfee, I know that he is crazy. It's just not quite clear to me at this point whether he is crazy like a fox or crazy like a loon?

Time will tell.

Stay informed my friends.


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Follow me: @jrcornel


If we all decide that that's what we want, then it will happen. It's up to us all. Do we want the biggest transfer of wealth in history, or don't we? Do we really want to give the finger to the "man", to the governments,to the banks?

It's all on us. If we HODL, and HODL we shall, praise ODIN, we will see one million dollar per Bitcoin and we will all fucking drive Lambos and laugh in the faces of those who did not believe.

How many High Net Worth Individuals (HNWI) are in the world today

If they all could buy one BTC for $10 million, would that be a fair and acceptable outcome?


Um, John would you like some salt with that? @pawsdog

Two years is still a decent amount of time for many changes to occur within the cryptocurrency world. Bitcoin has been trending exponentially upward, but there are always risks involved. With only one month to go in this year, Bitcoin is still trending higher. A lot is going on in the world, how are we all so sure things won't change over the course of two years? For Mr. McAfee to make such a bold claim, as you've mentioned, he either has an ace in the hole, or he is just a "loon". I hope for the well-being of those investing and his manhood, he is more like a "fox".

WRONG. BTC has not been going exponential - if you ignore the last week of trading. It has been closer to linear.

If it ever does start to go exponential, like it did in the last week, THEN you have reason to worry. And you have a guarantee that the price rises will stop the exponential trend and prices drop back to earth and resume linear growth best case.

Exponential curves are not sustainable. Linear curves are, within some limits.

It will be a massively useless store of wealth by then. I can't even imagine what transaction fees will be... do you really think it will be functional?

Think bigger otage. Think like you are a person with $10 million in assets. Do you care about a $1000 transaction fee that might hit you once a year? or once a month?

BTC wasnt meant for you, if you have less than $10 million. But you can still benefit from it, if you stop thinking small.

I agree with you if I hung on to 10 BTC until it was 10 million dollars and the blockchain was still able to function as a store of wealth even after mass adoption it would be the best investment ever and fees wouldn't matter at all. Crypto currency dreams give way to a greedy reality. It just feels like a bit of a ponzi scheme when one of the defining values from inception, ease of transaction, becomes no longer valid.

Who knows. Probably be a ton of forks by then, so it's impossible to know what the tech will be behind it. I wonder if his bet will include all the off shoots of bitcoin as well?

Yes that is a very valid point the offshoots will add up!

"Massively Useless" Ya ok....

As a currency.

How often do you transact from your "store of wealth"? I assume you must have at least $10 million in gold bullion stockpiled in your private safe.

How often do you transact from that pile of $$? When you do a transaction once a year to get your annual walking around spending money, do you care if it costs you $100?

One of the wealthiest people on the earth is Queen of England. Look at her assets. Do you think that $100 or $1000 transaction fee is even a remote consideration in her mind??

That is awesome! Well done my friend! Let me know if/when he responds :)

Yeah hopefully he doesn't have to mutilate himself like that and transition in such a savage manor!

Lol Katelyn Jenner would not approve...

I'm not sure who is crazier. Jenner or McAfee! LOL

thats a good news this time.. i always your blog and follow you...if you get any permission, i will want your blog resteemit

Sure. Thank you!

oh really... waiting a second please...i will resteemit your blog..✌✌✌

your blog resteemit done....✌✌✌

I remember the conditions of his dispute))) as he promised to eat something .....

could you even imagine to cut hahaha omg he is such a brave lol and dafuq infront of television

500k still seems crazy but now he says 1 million!!! I want to believe that he is right

This is sooooo hilarious! ahahahahahah