Get 35% HODL bonus [STAC] - last day to get your StarterCoin [STAC]
Massive 35% bonus for CoinStarter's StarterCoin [STAC] hodlers

Guys, today is the last opportunity to get some StarterCoins (STAC) into your wallets and receive a bonus of 35% for holding on to it (no outgoing STAC allowed from that wallet from today 18 months onward).
Why is CoinStarter worth a thought? In concert with being a platform for launching ICOs and thus aiming at revolutionizing coin based fundraising, it features the CoinstarterBOX, once subscribed to it you'll receive freshly curated ICO coins into your wallet - every month.
Just check out the latest news and how the whole HODLing procedure works on mediumand their website at
btw - the platform is finally going live and launching with a completely new UX and rebranding these days, so keep posted!
Disclaimer - yes, I do own some STAC guys so I'm happy to bring the project forward