🔰Bitcoin goes into space🔰

in #bitcoin8 years ago


🔱The technological blockbuster-company Blockstream is launching the project of the Bitkoyn network launch into space using satellites.

🔱The company offers access to the Bitcoin network for all inhabitants of the Earth even in those moments when they do not have the opportunity to enter the Internet.

🔱Those of us who are familiar with Bitcoin know that decentralization is a key feature of the network.
Residents of developed countries perceive ease of access to the network as a matter of course.

🔱However, there are many people on the planet who do not have reliable access to the Internet and, thus, they do not have access to the Bitcoin network.

🔱This problem has been faced by Bitcoin since its inception.

🔱If Bitkoyn really wants to free people from centralized institutions, he should be available to everyone.

🔱The idea of ​​broadcasting the Bitcoin network from space is not new, but Blockstream finally made it a reality.

🔱Even without Wi-Fi or other means of Internet access, any person in the world can now have free access to the Bitcombe network.

🔱The company did not even mention that this development was conducted, until it was successfully completed.

🔱More than two-thirds of the Earth's surface area is now covered by broadcasting from three satellites broadcasting the network, and the Blockstream team plans to increase their number to cover the entire planet.

🔱To access the network, you must first establish a connection with satellites.

🔱 Blockstream team is confident that this is a relatively low barrier to entry. In fact, as stated by the CEO of Blockstream, the equipment for connecting to the network should not cost more than $ 100.

🔱In all likelihood, in order to establish a connection, even an old satellite television antenna will come down.
Once the connection is established, it will be free.

🔱The new service benefits the network, as well as users, by eliminating bandwidth problems and increasing security.

🔱Providing free service to millions of people around the world is also very much strengthening the position of Blockstream.

🔱Without exaggeration, we can say that Blockstream is simply incredibly cool, launching a much-needed project.

🔱Bitcoin desperately needs to reach more network members outside the Western world and rich regions.
🔱To really be what it is conceived - a currency for everyone, it should be accessible to all of them.


Source: https://bitnovosti.com


me gusto , muy interesante buen post

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