Market Cap Below $200 Billion!

in #bitcoin7 years ago


As you guys can see, the market cap has fallen below the $200 billion. Despite new upgrades and many mainnet launches that happened this year with 3rd generation coins, despite the fact that we have received plenty of new partnerships and increased adoption with many of these top coins, the price just keeps falling and falling.

Seems like we’ve reached a new all time low this year and it doesn’t seem like it will slow down anytime soon. I find it hard to believe that the delay and rejection of some bitcoin ETF’s can bring the market down this low.

There’s also been some speculation of market manipulation. That the people with money are trying to scare off the people with weak hands so they can sell all their coins and in turn people with money can buy more coins on the low before the next bull run.

It’s only a matter of time before we find out what is going to happen to the market. I believe in this technology and believe in worldwide adoption in the near future, in the meantime I will have to ride this extremely bearish market and hodl.

What do you guys believe is going on and what are you guys doing at a time like this? Did you guys sell or buy more or are you waiting to see what happens next? Would love to hear your thoughts in the comments. 🙂

(I own Bitcoin, Tron, EOS, Cardano, Steem and other crypto currencies. This is not financial advice. Please do your own research before investing in anything.)