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RE: Is Bitcoin Another Establishment Trap?

in #bitcoin8 years ago (edited)

Sometimes I'm serious, sometimes verbose, sometimes to clarify, sometimes to make you think or wonder, sometimes not. I write as I see fit at that time. My "style" can be diverse.

I dipped into Steemit a bit, a while ago. I was unaware of the crash. The Steemit rewards are not my priority, but they are a logical evolution of social media, decentralization, liberty, etc. And with perseverance I might make something of my self here.

In the fall I was banned from Wikipedia for a year for being "another polite truther". A couple weeks ago I was banned and all of my content, along with other's content, was completely erased from for "spamming" without example, explanation, reply, or recourse. I should have copied off my Quora content because I spend countless hours crafting good answers and the occasional good questions - and the WayBack machine was blocked. Censorship unleashed.

When one door closes... blah blah blah. I'd been thinking about this a LOT lately but now it's settled, decided for me in a way, to change course.

Here's a short preview project summary of my detailed forthcoming series of posts.

Since its launch I forgot about Medium until you capitalized it with a crowd. Recently I heard about that may grant rewards like Steemit.

I'm on, though have yet to do anything there.

I don't Gab anymore.

InfoGalactic (stupid name) by default won my search for a wiki as I found no better options. The RationalWiki community isn't really rational, and WikiSpooks is very slow, also with a poor name. Wikia is owned by the same corporate overlords as Wikipedia. After Wikipedia banned me I settled in on InfoGalactic where the Alt-Right author owner lets people (like me, an anarcho-Marxist) contribute uncensored without establishment-rigged rules of Wikipedia or Quora. (Citing sources, fringe or otherwise, is still critically important.) I really like the MediaWiki format of Wikipedia and it's forked InfoGalactic. I've tried to encourage InfoGalactic to expand what their wiki could be beyond a copied, poorly updated, and fringe-embracing version of Wikipedia, especially if User Pages became something more social their site might bloom. User pages could be a valuable resource tool for folks to freely contribute and update non-encyclopaedic articles (like collaborative screen writing, etc) in a fundamentally different medium format than is locked in here at Steemit. I have yet to research image hosting sites. I'll use YouTube until banned primarily because it's popular and accessible, as well as Vimeo (better quality) and BitChute the new YouTube/Bittorrent-type fusion as alternative backups.

Until I learn of better resources or I'm blocked somehow, thus far I'll be primarily utilize Steemit, InfoGalactic, and YouTube + plus BitChute, Vimeo, Minds, and Gab as support + plus an image hosting site yet to be determined.

Sorry, not sorry, for the length because I may also re-edit this into my project treatment posts.