Huobi Prime Launches first IEO and Native token rises 250% immediately
Huobi Prime, a competitor launched it's first Initial Exchange Offering for the TOP network on 26 March and successfully sold out the tokens of the IEO in 11 Seconds.
You can view a list of upcoming IEO's here
I am now convinced that it is native coins from exchanges are the coins to buy at present.
As I mentioned in my previous posts, most of the Native coins surge as soon as they successfully complete a Initial coin offering on any exchange.
If I only mention two coins which has gained a lot of value after the IEO's
Binance Coin - BNB - Current price : $16.67 - The coin was trading at around $6 before the first IEO
Huobi Token - HT - Current Price : $2.42 - The coin was trading at around $1 before the IEO.
The next major upcoming IEO is on KUCoins platform Spotlight where they will be joining forces with Multivac.
I have written a few posts on Initial Exchange Offerings for those that are interested.
All About Initial Exchange Offerings
Initial Exchange Offerings and the new lottery mechanism which Binance is implementing
IEO's vs ICO - Exchange Coins might be a good investment at this early stage of IEO's
My usual disclaimer that I am not a financial expert. I am just sharing what I learn just like all of us. Please do your own research before participating in any Initial Exchange Offering or invest in any crypto currency or project.
Just for fun
Happy Steeming!

was holding HT for a while and it feels good to get some pay off for that.
On the other side it feels bad to have sold my BNB pretty early
I still have a bit of both hoping for anther jump ;)
tried for it but all went in seconds dammm
Yip, you have to be quick with these things ;)