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RE: The Crypto Purge (Don't Be Afraid, It's Good News)

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited)

I 100% agree with your analysis. To underscore the three purge phases, there's also probably a little nuance. So, the three phases were:

  1. Purge weakest team members
  2. Purge weakest development groups
  3. Purge weakest coins

From the outside looking in, it's possible to skip #1 until it's too late, in which case the company ends up purging not only weak team members, but also world-class team members.

It's an important nuance because if you use #1 as the rule, you'll miss an opportunity and identify #2 until it's too late.

To make this concrete, in order to protect STEEM, I would like to see a second (and even third) core development team. We think we've seen Purge #1, but are we really just seeing early signs of Purge #2?

It turns out we should have never relied on Steemit, Inc. for anything but core development, if that.

Note: I think Steemit, Inc. has a decent chance of pulling off a 180°. But I'd also love to see additional independent core teams pop up after all this turmoil.

Listen! They said a team of chess players coached by someone with no understanding of basketball would never be competitive in the NBA! Well, it turns out they're pretty perceptive.