Gary Vaynerchuk on Bitcoin and Blockchain
Gary Vee bought Bitcoin in 2014.
I also began my journey in Bitcoin back in 2014. Gary is a smart guy and is paying attention to what is happening in the blockchain space. Personally I am already moving on to Blocktree and DAG. Technology is changing rapidly and I love to stay ahead of the pack.
Bitcoin is getting so so important it is hard for anyone with their head straight on their shoulders not to blink and look at it.
2018 will be a wake up call for sure.
This guy invested in 2014. It means a lot.
Inspect what you expect.
Even steem is waking up a little.
Thanks for sharing
Keep on steemit
Can you imagine if we 10X again in 2018? Holy crap, I just got chills.
Bitcoin or STEEM?
I expect a minimum of 4x for Bitcoin in 2018...STEEM I can see a 100-200 times in 2018.
Not me, I don't think Steem could do that. Maybe 5X at the most.
"people who are a little smarter are on the ethereum level"
and people who are actually smart realize they're different things and used for different purposes
I like ethereum but it's weird to me how people can have a blind spot in terms of it being "better" than bitcoin.. it's like they assume bitcoin should be attempting to do what ethereum does
Then you have DAG and the Blocktree which most folks are still clueless about. Thank you for upvoting your own comment and saving my upvote power.
Yeah, I agree with you on this note, @hilarski: it'd be wise to keep up with DAG, which has advantages over blockchain.
Wow huge huge profit just holding bitcoin 3 year very smart and visionary way to think. Regards
Gary is one of the most popular bloggers in the world, he had a good estimate, now we are on the move @hilarski
Hey man you are really doing great. It's you had any following the market from very beginning.
Congratulations @hilarski
Now you are in the MinnowsPower Loyalty Member List...!!!
Exceptional video with great BTC related video. Keep it up...!!!
50% Upvoted by @MinnowsPower
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Really, Gary is absolutely right.. it's a big platform that can literally over pass the worlds ever bigger financial hubs like US Russia and China. Thanks for sharing with us @hilarski
Nice interview title Gary Vee bought Bitcoin in 2014. Ohh.@hilarski, your BTC journey start since 2014. Long experience you had abt BTC. How much about BTC worth in 2014? I have not attend there 2014. Gary has very smart talking style. I really like him also bitcoin the same feelings. BTC pumping and pumping earlier. Reach $10,000 level very soon. Great one for investors and traders. They will wait buy BTC in this moment. They know BTC will rise up. So try to earn more profit.
Thanks for sharing wonderful video.
I bought around $450 USD in May-June 2014 .
Did you received more profit or non profit those days?
This is excellent video and very useful information.

Thanks @hilarski
Have a nice day