Crypto Gains in 2017 if You Invested $100 in Each of These on Jan 1.

This is What You Would Have Had on Dec 31st if You Invested Just $100 in Each of These Crypto's.
I know it seems like this is unrealistic but this is exactly what happened in 2017. The two that really changed our life in 2017 were Bitcoin and Steem. We did not own much of the others in 2017. I sold all of my Dash in December 2016, OOOPS!
Did You see my December 2016 video with the @DollarVigilante where we discussed what would happen to Steem?
We went big on Steem when it hit sub $.10 in February 2017. It then went on an absolute tear in the Spring. Before going back to sleep for the remainder of the year.
One very happy Ethereum and Bitcoin miner here. And the $1319 value of my first Steemit post feels pretty good now
Pleace vote me
Never too late , but again at its fall because crypto will shine in 2018
LOL...... Seriously you do have to laugh because those gains are so ridiculously awesome!!!
This is a clear view from these coins.
Lessons learned. Today is January 2nd.
All steemians still got time to focus on 10 coins and let it be.
We know for sure steem is part of it.
Thanks for this graph.
Keep on steemit.
Wow, this is overwhelming, I wish I had the guts to put more money on the crypto I bought back then. But you can never know if people will panick and cash out like a herd.
My best investment was on EOS, bought when it was 0.7$
I came very late into the crypto business and didn't join most of the Bitcoin rocket. But thanks to Steemit and all the people around here I was introduced to so much new knowledge and information so I tried some little investment here and there.
I got myself some Verge coins and so far it has been doing very well, I hope another pump will come anytime soon, but actually I'm in for the long run. They need to stick to their agenda that they might have some big potential to rise even higher.
OH wowowowo :D crypto is that's why love :D
I have now watched your video. Your video is a very important video, very informative, thanks to sharing this kind of video
I do not have Dash now. Maybe I should get it back, right?
World heat is going up. I mean crypto heat. New coins, powerful concepts, powerful projects, powerful investments heat this crypto world in 2018. impressive article with lots of info @hilarski