Yumerium Business Analysis (VR Gaming ICO)

Yumerium is a new project utilizing blockchain technology to decentralize the distribution of VR games. The project is being developed in partnership with Subdream Studios, which owns VR Plus, South Korea’s largest VR arcade franchise. This greatly eases early adoption and ensures Yumerium can find an early audience.
A project such as this can provide many value offerings.
Yumerium VRIO Analysis
Yumerium VRIO Analysis
VRIO analysis gives a crisp and tight snapshot of the odds of success of a project.

Promotions and marketing play an important role in any consumer product and gaming is no exception. Typically, the game developers hand over their product to publishers who run the marketing operations. The developers simply serve as middlemen who ensure public gets to know about the market and because they handle so many game promotions, they are able to build an economy of scale that usually allows them be able to out-market any game developers who try to promote the game independently.
Yumerium makes it possible for developers to attract players by offering incentives to promote the game; the rewards are earned in YUM tokens. This creates a community-run drive to ensure the game is able to reach a great audience. Yumerium key value-offering is to remove the middleman in the marketing of gaming products. One key value-additive here is that the game developers are able to retain the game’s earning that they justly deserve.
Additionally, the publishers who place a price premium on the game’s retail or create a large volume of freemium additions to the game and thereby ruin the gaming experience and removed. Thus, Yumerium allows the creation of games that can be enjoyable for a vast portion of people by ensuring decentralized promotions keep marketing costs low.

As decentralization is one of the uses of blockchain technology, plenty of projects have tried to utilize this technology to disrupt the marketing industry. Naturally, there have been some efforts to create a decentralized promotion ecosystem for games.

The key distinction between existing projects and Yumerium is that existing projects have been focused on developing a new platform from scratch; it will be difficult to attract developers to a new platform and simultaneously it will also be difficult to attract new gamers to the platform. This need of market-matching is a challenge that other projects have to overcome.
Yumerium is supported by Subdream Studios whose VR Plus franchise already has a customer base and internal game developments. Both the userbase and the games can utilize Yumerium and immediately provide the project with the important initial userbase and games. This is what sets Yumerium apart from exiting decentralized marketing efforts in this industry.

Imitation is a problem faced by start-ups across the world. The reality is that blockchain technology continues to attract new developers and despite the down turn of the market cap, the interest from developers isn’t dwindling.
As more developers join the market, it’s likely that a new project may imitate the concept of a decentralized VR game promotion platform, but this is unlikely to be a major competitive threat as the gaming market is immense. There are already many existing game publishers who have individual market share. Similarly, VR gaming is constantly growing and is still a novel concept; the market is big enough for multiple players.

Any project’s success is dependent on the abilities of its team.
Yumerium is lead by an organization that has already proven success in not just technical delivery but also business development. VR Plus already supports many VR games and Subdream Studios has created many games. Additionally, VR Plus, despite launching just 2 years ago, is now functioning over 30 locations. It’s clear that the team possesses the skills to both develop the technical aspects of the project and sustain its operations.
Wrap-Up: Yumerium’s key value offerings are the abilities to make game promotion cheaper, make game development more lucrative for developers, and make games more accessible to the market. It’s being lead by a team that has the skills necessary to deliver the project and the project is targeting a market so large that new players won’t serve as an operational threat.
Essential Yumerium Links
🌐 Website: http://www.yumerium.com/
💡 Whitepaper: http://www.yumerium.com/whitepaper.pdf
👨 ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3272290
💻 Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/H5o7EE7ncnHvSXJJYWSLYg
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@hatu .. Thank you for sharing the post.. Yes gaming token makes sense... Specially the VR games you wrote about !! I think virtual reality games are going to hit gamers like a truck in coming years !! It will be quite interesting to see another token in the gaming arena where you can earn by playing , sharing and reviewing .. I think there are other tokens as well like digibyte & Enjin coin., which are more popular ... There are many gaming cryptocurrencies available at the moment.. only time will tell how Yumerium performs..
True, VR technology is likely to be a major development in the gaming industry.
Your analysis is very important for our earn
Glad to hear so.
Your post topic very important.
Thank you :)
playing games and get befits great concept
Varietas yang mereka katakan adalah mata-mata kehidupan, pola yang ada yang dapat diperoleh di Yumerium dikenal untuk sentralisasi di mana semua transaksi disalurkan menghasilkan celah yang terlihat seperti penipuan, pembayaran tertunda, biaya selangit, catatan integritas yang buruk dan tidak ada muti dan mikro sistem pembayaran … .. maka kebutuhan untuk bermain game. Game akan menawarkan pengiriman cepat anggota dalam hal pembayaran dan tentu saja biaya transaksi akan terjangkau. Game telah melakukan banyak hal melalui pengurangan penipuan dan cara lain, namun, masih ada beberapa area di mana Yumerium memiliki banyak tugas. Gamer masih mengeluhkan penipuan maka kepercayaan telah menjadi topik perhatian besar yang mengganggu manajemen.
The varieties they say are spies of life, the patterns that can be obtained in Yumerium are known for centralization where all transactions are channeled resulting in visible gaps such as fraud, delayed payments, exorbitant fees, bad integrity records and no micro and micro systems payment ... then the need to play games. The game will offer fast shipping of members in terms of payment and of course the transaction costs will be affordable. Games have done a lot of things through reducing fraud and other methods, however, there are still some areas where the Yumerium has many tasks. Gamers still complain about fraud, so trust has become a topic of great concern that disrupts management.
Thank you for reporting Harpal,You also are spreading propaganda in a way, so thaks sir ji,
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Keep up the good work and original content, everyone appreciates it!
Amazing project, Thank you so much for your sharing.