
Haejin, I have a question about new coins and ICO's. I am holding some tokens for a company that will start trading on exchanges October 1st. I see that EW and chart pattern analysis use past performance to predict future performance. My question; is there some type of analysis for the first day of trading on a new coin? I realize there is no history so is it just a wait and see to build a history or is there a different indicator to show which direction a new coin might take? Thanks!

Yeah, that kind of analysis tool is called a crystal one has it. Alas, yes, price data is needed.

If you happen to have price data on what might be set at as this set price projection changes often, it could potentially be helpful.

MOST ICOs go up and crash into a long and lethargic correction.

Hahaha, nice! Thant's what I thought, just wanted to check. I am in the market for a crystal ball, I'll let you know if I find one! :)
The ICO up & crash is what I have noticed with a lot of other coins. I hope to watch it go up, get my investment back and let the rest ride through the correction. Have a great day.