EOS/BTC Analysis: Target: 0.00213 BTC (886% Profit Potential)

in #bitcoin7 years ago


EOS/BTC pair is presented with an anlysis of the past and forward projection of price pathway. Look how the "Hurry Up & Wait" syndrome has also played out here. The first set of impulse waves were completed in no time while the resulting a,b,c correction took months!

The a,b,c correction is further sublabeled with five waves for wave a and a symmetrical triangle for b and another set of five waves for wave c. So, as all sub waves seem to be complete, there is high probable likelihood that the bottom is in and finsihed. I've also drawn out what looks to be a cup & handle pattern as it would be very unusual for the pattern to morph into either a large symmetrical triangle or the Jaws of Wealth. The Elliott waves project 0.00213 BTC or an 886% profit potential!

Please consider reviewing these Tutorials on:
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #1
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #2
Laddering and Buy/Sell Setups.
Tutorial on the use of Fibonacci & Elliott Waves
These Technical Analysis Books: Elliott Wave Priniciple & Technical Analysis of Stock Trends are highly recommended
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BTS Wallet - haejin1970
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Legal Mumbo Jumbo: This is only my opinion, make of it what you wish. What does this mean? It means it's not advice nor recommendation to either buy or sell anything! It's only meant for use as informative or entertainment purposes.**


I really hope you are right on this one. EOS and bitshares are both long term holds I feel. EOS has been making ground but not as much as bitshares! Loads more room to expand.

when i become a eos and bts millionaire the first thing i will buy is a toyota CAMRY!!!! how dope is that?
no lambo needed id rather buy more eos...lol

What makes you think BTS will keep on growing TDOG?

Inefficiencies. Insecurities at centralized exchanges. Government regulation. A lot of progress in marketing around the corner. Stable blockchain and one of the busiest. Blockchain. New partnerships being announced. And Wall Street money coming in. Now the smart money are coming in. So they will see how undervalued bts is. And the utility. Too many to list honestly. Bts is the key into the Big 3.

Amazing just amazing content!

thanks for the charts haejin!! looking good

Learn to Earn to Make Your Wallet Bigger than Your Pocket. tm

Nice one. I wanna copy but i see it’s trademarked. Dammit.

Hahahah......been waiting for you to see that one, been posting it around here.

Hi, can you make a TA for BTS/BTC. thanks

Well written post! I enjoyed reading

AWESOME - Resteamed ---- everything on EOS! why not 888% love that number!

Emptying wallet into one coin is not recommended.

I mean that I resteam everything on EOS ... but yes I have about 70% in.

I like your analysis. R u crypto trader bro?

Saying that EOS is going to go up 10x against BTC in the next two months is just silly! It's just not probable, no matter what your wave counting suggests.

If you look at his long term posts he talks about a significant crash in bitcoin (before a recovery). If bitcoin was to crash significantly and EOS were to stand still in dollar terms, a 10x rise in the EOS/Btc pair is more than possible.

A significant crash in bitcoin that causes a 10x rise in the eos/btc pair does not actually change the value of your EOS, just the value of your BTC. Again- if bitcoin crashes, it doesn't mean EOS holders see an 886% increase in value. That value loss of BTC is probably being spread throughout most of the altcoins and some fiat currencies.
Saying EOS will go to $3.30+ in the next two months is just not probable with the distribution of 2 million coins per day. ( yes that's per day, not per month haejin)

$3.30 at time of launch will give EOS a 3.3 billion market cap, that's about 10% of Ether's cap today or about the same as LTC. That's for a technology that blows Ether out of the water in every way. Will that happen? Maybe, maybe not but there is a distinct possibility.

I didn’t say I agreed with the prediction just that it fits with his other predilections and is perfectly possible if the other ones come off.

He knows that.....watch yesterdays video.....I quote "I don't give a shit" about the 2 million coins a day. EOS and BTS are going to blow everything out of the water in the next 2 years.....unless quantum computing comes to the home user.

Here's an actual quote "Bullish sentiment couldn't care less about the 2 MIl coin per month inflation" showing that he doesn't know that.
This method does not work on this particular distribution of coins.

A mistake in spoken word is common when traveling all week and also taking 10+ requests a day. I guess we will see....and I guess that means you just missed 78% gain that followers picked up from his suggested buy at 0.90 and peaked at 1.61? 78% doesn't satisfy your trading needs? Take a look at BTS.....wayyyyyy too many coins right? We're now up over 50% since suggested buy.

That's not to mention that you are referring to a time when coins are released at the rate you said.....this projection does not reach into that time. Thus your whole argument is null. This projection is through early 2018, the platform doesn't launch until summer/fall 2018.

Sure, I think you will be incorrect when that happens also, but that's beside the point. The point you are trying to make does not even apply to this trade time frame.

It's all good though, people like yourself come in here every day. We don't mind at all. We're making money on these trades, despite what people THINK, not know, can or cannot happen.

But please, for my own entertainment, explain how your argument is valid when what you said is not true at all during the suggested trade time frame. I enjoy a good laugh.

Wow! Did I trigger your cognitive dissonance there? I simply said that your quote was wrong, and that the OP statements were wrong, because of this unique distribution of tokens.
Your silly assumptions are wrong by the way. Maybe you've never read anything else I wrote and just made up my view and investments about EOS and BTS all in your head because I called people out for being wrong.

Here's your 2nd paragraph "That's not to mention that you are referring to a time when coins are released at the rate you said.....this projection does not reach into that time. Thus your whole argument is null. This projection is through early 2018, the platform doesn't launch until summer/fall 2018."

This one clearly shows you also, do not understand how the token distribution works for EOS. As I am referring to what's in the graphs above, which covers the time during the distribution. The distribution started 144 days ago, and goes on every day up until the launch. In other words, the 2 million tokens distributed daily is the same for 345 days up to the launch. Here's a pic

So I really don't get what your talking about in that paragraph, since this projection does reach into that time(as it is between July '17 - June '18). Or what you think i will be incorrect about, as I have not given my point of view for a prediction.

And you conclude with more ignorant assumptions about me, backing up your previous ones. Such a terrible habit. You should really hold your EOS, it may be what you need.

Do you finally realize that these wave charts that they do not work for this unique type of token distribution?

They don't sell 2 million a day. They make 2 million available per cycle...which can only reach the 1,000,000,000 mark IF they sell that much.

And if they don't.....they will likely continue to release at that rate at launch, maybe even faster than now. I should have been more clear about that...they likely won't sell their 1,000,000,000 so then they will release them at that rate at market price at launch.

If you look at the page you posted, we are in release period 144/350. They claim to have sold 586,000,000 EOS. The max number is 1,000,000,000. Divide that number by 350 release cycles. You get 2,857,142 per cycle. Multiply that by 144 and you get 411,428,571 coins released, yet the actual number of coins in circulation is 478,939,382 to be precise. So ok, they did bonuses at the beginning maybe, except they didn't, they did discounts. So where are their numbers coming from? Who knows? Even if you divide 586,000,000 by 144, the number is 4,069,444 average. Your thought that the inflation rate will keep the price down doesn't prove true even with a higher inflation rate than you proposed. The initial pricing was at $2, it has fallen, as all coins fluctuate on the market, and the inflation has continued to grow....and here we see the coin gaining value daily. That can't really be explained logically....which again is why "I don't give a shit" comes into play.

And as I mentioned earlier, the video YESTERDAY has the quote I quoted in it at 2:40:

So, you're incorrect about that.

But none of that matters really, the price movement disagrees with you, and that's all that matters.

Next, you're assuming they sell all those coins by then, when most people are buying from the markets, because it's a better buy. For the sake of argument, let's say they do, and let's assume they have been every day since the token launch.
Why then, has the wave analysis been correct with the inflation level going up so much? And what leads you to believe that's going to change at any time? Again, none of that matters.

Oh brother, I should hold my EOS, maybe that's what I need? This is a TRADE setup. I am not even going to bother with an insult about that, because that should be obvious from the get go.

I will hold my EOS because I bought it at a great price....do you expect a coin of such low value to dump on the day the platform is released? The whole point of releasing this way is to create a real market price by the time of launch and to keep one person or group from owning so much they control the value.

Of course you can disagree, it's simply your opinion, whereas haejin puts his balls on the line making calls. And guess what? They've been hitting.....even with the "2 million" coins a day inflation.

God this is a fucking mess....if you'd like, I'll just say you're right, he did say the wrong amount released. That being said, the price movement completely disagrees with your ideas on what is supposed to happen, because again, price movements matters, not what you think is supposed to happen due to the inflationary rate.

IBM is scheduled to launch quantum computers sometime in 2018 for home users. Idk how much they will cost but definitely worth considering. Nxs is working on quantum resistant 3d chain with decentralized internet via cube satellites. Very interesting project. I believe bts can also be upgraded easily to protect against quantum but not sure. For those reasons I’m accumulating bts and nxs. Just thought I would share as I too am concerned with quantum security risks.

EOS is already prepped to compete with quantum computing as well, as are most not yet released projects with good minds behind them.

True per day. I said it three times allready in these threads too :).

We're at $2.00 now....3 days after your speculation on what token distribution would do to the price. That's up 33% in the last 3 days. Not to mention it follows the path laid out pretty much exactly. So where does it stop? BTC is still rising. Here we go $3.00! Perhaps it's time to sit back and try to learn from someone who is extremely good at what he does, and really think about if your opinion how things are suppose to work really means anything at all, or if the market is truly driven by a measurable sentiment.

EOS went up 33% so now I should listen to people I have just proven wrong because of this?

I thought you muted me, now back? That's ok, I'll just do it from my end this time. Good luck to you.

Lol. We will see

Your tutorial has failed to account for the introduction of two million new EOS tokens every day for the next 200 or so days.

2milliion is the same As any coin being mined. No difference the price reflects that.

Whether he said it correctly or not....you're missing the point.....the point is IT DOES NOT MATTER. Try reading back as all the naysayers on his calls, and then they suddenly disappear when the calls come through.....guess we won't see you after February.

Again....it hasn't, he addresses that issue in yesterdays EOS analysis.

Easy Money. That's what happens when you know what you're talking about. Thank you for the excellent trade setup and timing haejin!