BitShares (BTS) Short Term Target $0.52
BitShares (BTS) continues to rise and make MASSIVE profits for many holders who bought on @haejin's recommendation!!
The below chart sports a set of rounded bottoms which were used as launch pad to bring prices to as high as $0.46. Currently, I believe an expanded flat is in progress and near complete, if not, already complete! This means an impulse will like take BTS to $0.52 or much higher!! Check out the MACD...I expect this to turn up and rise again once the white impulse waves initiate.
Please consider reviewing these Tutorials on:
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #1
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #2
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #3
Laddering and Buy/Sell Setups.
Laddering Example with EOS
Tutorial on the use of Fibonacci & Elliott Waves
These Technical Analysis Books: Elliott Wave Priniciple & Technical Analysis of Stock Trends are highly recommended
@haejin's Trading Nuggets
Essay: Is Technical Analysis a Quantum Event?
Follow me on Twitter for Real Time Alerts!!

If this blog post has entertained or helped you to profit, please follow, upvote, resteem and/or consider buying me a beer:
BTS Wallet - haejin1970
BTC Wallet - 1HMFpq4tC7a2acpjD45hCT4WqPNHXcqpof
ETH Wallet - 0x1Ab87962dD59BBfFe33819772C950F0B38554030
LTC Wallet - LecCNCzkt4vjVq2i3bgYiebmr9GbYo6FQf

Legal Mumbo Jumbo: This is only my opinion, make of it what you wish. What does this mean? It means it's not advice nor recommendation to either buy or sell anything! It's only meant for use as informative or entertainment purposes.**
10 banger in 30 days!
Thanks for the update. You are now my daily ritual. :)
First thing I do when i wake up. Checking haejin's TA and UPVOTE this!
That's the case for many of us who are here.
Mmmmhmm! There is a high level of abundance and a wealth of information here
^ This.
Same here! ;-)
He is my morning meditation, every morning!!!
Thank you @haejin
I have been upvote and follow
And deserve more than this
Haejin, you are changing lives and making massive profits for people. I am trying to parlay your generosity into my circle of family and friends and do the same for them. I am having good luck so far and opening eyes.
There is totally an "a-ha!" moment when people take control of their finances. I have a friend who gave me $3000 this summer to invest for him. For the longest time, I just held his coins and I would give him periodic updates, but he was not very proactive in asking how it was doing.
A couple weeks ago, I told him that I wanted him to set up his own wallets so I could transfer his hodlings to him. As soon as I did that, I was getting so many more texts and calls from him to talk about it! A-HA! Now he is an active participant and now he is starting to free himself from the chains of wage slavery.
The beauty of all of this is empowerment. Once people embrace the notion of being engaged in this world, I truly believe that the sky is the limit. We too often get the message that, "this is how it is, ho-hum, can't do much about it." Crypto is blasting that to shreds!
@Haejin, let me dedicate a small plot on my farm for you next growing season for all of your kimchi ingredients! Napa, Daikon, carrots, I think I could even do small amounts of ginger in our new greenhouse! Please, let me help to nourish you and your family as you have helped do for us!
Blessings and MASSIVE PROFITS to all of you!
I too will dedicate a part of our garden to sharing the abundance with others in honor of Haejin's generous spirit!
YES!!! You might like this post I did a few months ago about the intersection of digital and analog worlds. I call it PermaCryptoCulture!
I like to say "It's a digital world" while holding up one hand, and wiggling its fingers. :)
Right on! I respect your positive influence on others and strive to do the same. Let's get as many people actively participating in their own future instead of the "Newsfeed" which is dead to me lol.
Keep up the great work. The sky IS the limit!
-and if Haejin doesn't take you up on your offer, I can make excellent Kimchi :D :D
This is powerful stuff!!!
Yes, the power of revolution :D
I would love to purchase homecrafted Haejin kimchi.. I need to buy more right away.. Eat your kimchi this winter to fend off the globalist "flu season."
Nice! Trying to think of a clever pun with fermentation and a loss right now tho!
Just checked out your profile, following you now, check out the link I put up above in this comment thread about my idea of PermaCryptoCulture. Shifting paradigms!!!
Thanks, still very new to the steem... wish promotion was less tedious for newbies.
Cryptos don't ferment nor spoil... lol.. however fomo-entation is another thing.
perma crypto and libertarianism goes well together.
Yes, Fomontation!
To think, with Bitcoin we could get rid of wages as they are known today. That would be awesome! I MEAN if this clicks in people's heads it could change the world.
It's already changing a lot of lives. I know it's changed mine. And now I have a circle of people who can see it for themselves and now THEY are experiencing it and the ripples go on and on. It really feels inevitable that the pebble that Satoshi tossed into the pond will reverberate peace and justice all over the world
Satoshi... = NSA whitehats who threw a wrench in the globalist NWO plans.
I'm just curious as to whether there will will be a correction or not in January. Cause if so, then buying-in Bitshares would probably be cheaper as it is now.
Cheap for now, could change any second
Yet another one I think will do good
Big similarities to the double rounded bottom on LBC!
Love It!
I've been aggressively buying bitshares ever since it started climbing from about 12 cents. I'm about to pick up some more on this pullback @$0.377.
Trying to work that target out in BTC :)
I have some but am interested in more. Watching closely!
I'm going to have to remind myself to be checking your updates much more often :)
Please Bitshares could you wait 2 more days?
I will get my paycheck soon!
Was thinking the same thing. I am on a strict budget for Crytpos per paycheck.