Bitcoin (BTC) Morning Update: When to Take Profits & When to Buy
Bitcoin (BTC) overnight price action has completed the blue wave (3) and is now working on wave (4). Most likely, the correction will be a triangle of some type. Once complete, blue wave (5) should take prices much higher towards $25,965 or so.
I've labeled the subwaves of blue wave (5) and detail in the video how the its subwave white 5 can be used to take some profits. This, in light of a significant circled white wave 4 probable correction to $15,263 after reaching $25,965 or so. I also detail in the video when and how to buy and when the best time to buy might be. Please consider viewing the video.
Please consider reviewing these Tutorials on:
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #1
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #2
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #3
Laddering and Buy/Sell Setups.
Laddering Example with EOS
Tutorial on the use of Fibonacci & Elliott Waves
These Technical Analysis Books: Elliott Wave Priniciple & Technical Analysis of Stock Trends are highly recommended
@haejin's Trading Nuggets
Essay: Is Technical Analysis a Quantum Event?
Follow me on Twitter for Real Time Alerts!!

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BTS Wallet - haejin1970
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ETH Wallet - 0x1Ab87962dD59BBfFe33819772C950F0B38554030
LTC Wallet - LecCNCzkt4vjVq2i3bgYiebmr9GbYo6FQf

Legal Mumbo Jumbo: This is only my opinion, make of it what you wish. What does this mean? It means it's not advice nor recommendation to either buy or sell anything! It's only meant for use as informative or entertainment purposes.**
Looks good !
Any EOS holders reading my comment?
Would you like a new EOS update?
Please let me and especially @haejin know!

Thank You @solisrex, your accelerated learning of the system has been a great addition to the blog. It certainly is not going unnoticed! It is a fantastic help to the readers. The growth here is moving so quickly that is very difficult for all questions and requests to be filled. You're kicking ass!
Kindred spirits, you and I.
So it will go down? I don't have any yet so I might buy xD
Here is the EOS update, please use only to augment your due diligence.
Awesome! Many thanks!
Dont be thirsty
Wish I could give you more than one up vote for this.
Since STEEM is bullish buy some and power up. That should do the trick.
How does that work ? I would like to upvote more then once.
Also at first I had a hard time finding the upvote button since it is rather small.
Put a bigger button, leave away the Dollar amount it has no meaning to me and just show the votes !
You'll find everything here:
Why is this so complex , it is still not clear to me. Is there a difference if I have Steem or not when I upvote ?
STEEMPower is actually what makes the difference in your vesting/voting power. This is because it is an investment in the steemit system, as it takes 13 weeks to withdraw the full amount of steempower.
Ok. But how does it effect UpVoting ? I have 6 SteemPower in my wallet, but If I vote I do not see that decline and I can also not say how much I want to use for Upvoting.
The system has many apps built on top of it to assist you in that regard. I suggest you use the add on for your browser called steemit more info. Other than that click on the menu on the right and open steemit app center. There you will find many additional tools to use on steemit.
You don't lose your steempower value when you vote, your "vesting power" goes down slightly, with one of the several addons for the browser or the alternate user interfaces for steemit, you can see your vesting power, and everyone else's. If you vote all day, eventually it isn't worth anything, but you aren't losing your invested steempower, just your daily vesting power per vote. As you attain higher levels the normal steemit interface allows for more options to change vesting power so you can vote more and each vote is worth less....which is very helpful for those who have high vesting power and don't want to spend it all on a few upvotes.
It is somewhat complex, but less complex as you discover the tools and learn more about the voting system.
The more steem power you have, your upvote will value more. Like if you have 10k steem power then your vote will worth around 1.5$.
When you vote, your voting power decreases. Once you have minimum 500 sp (ie. steem power) you will be able to decide how much voting power you want to spend on vote.
You could also try: for more info.
Helpful page !
You can upvote only once lol, if you want to help haejin with up votes than upvote his other posts.
In fact I was first clicking on the Logo where it says Upvote
Similar used to be the case with me too.
Hi I complely agree!
But man the Korean platforms are really taking over the market haha. I think a cultural factor may be involved too as everyone steps in to have a go at bitcoin!
I think depending on what platform bitcoin can also flash drop to around $12,000 in in fear of loss. I'm quite new so please support:
Come on people, if you are watching the content the least you can do is up vote it. It only takes one click!
Thank you Haejin for continuing to share your wisdom and market analysis with us.
Thank you very much @haejin, you truly are a master in your art, I've already said that, and ever will.
To those being skeptical about these free tutorials, lessons, and about anything Haejin offers all of us FOR FREE, let me tell you that: be thankful, and most of all, be grateful. I mean, currently, there are only 171 upvotes for 1831 views (and still counting). How come?
I applied Haejin's advice on laddering out/in properly during the last BTS correction, on its first wave (currently an ABCDE correction). And it worked like a charm. I got 10% more, for free! Just because I laddered out properly at the top, and laddered back in properly at A wave's dip.
There's no guru in this! It's just about following the tutorials, and being disciplined, which I was not.
So be grateful for what is given to you, leave an upvote. Remember that Haejin owes nothing to us.
sure someone predicted $27000 (maybe cliff high) looks likely now ! although they didnt say what happens after it reaches that lol
I am buying Litecoin, I personally think it will shoot up and be beyond my reach soon!
Hopefully you got in right after typing this comment. It shot up to $143.. unreal!
Thankyou sir. I have family in Hopkinton MA, and when I make my first million with your generosity and guidance, I will be helping them out with some medical issues. You're a blessing to us trying to learn all we can in this complex, yet subtly simple matrix.
You are so appreciated.
Sorry, I'm still learning a lot about technical analysis... but how do we tell when we've hit (or finished with) the blue wave 4? I'm looking to buy into BTC at some point today, and sell that before CME on Monday.
Watching the Elliot wave counting tutorials above will help.
Why do you want so sell if it can reach $25,000?
I'm honestly not sure how the CME will affect Bitcoin in the short term so I'd rather not take the risk with it. If it works out okay then I can re-enter the market once it stabilizes.
Thanks Haejin, very useful.
Could you please do TA of CVC. Alts are bleeding heavily specially CVC.