Further in to the crypto-rabbit hole...

in #bitcoin8 years ago

So it started with joining here and getting Steem. Then it was JSEcoin (I'm up to about 19.51 JSE so far with the mining going on my website and a referral). Now I'm about to buy a bit of Bitcoin. Not much, a few dollars worth to experiment with. I'm taking the best advice on the internet (John McAfee) and will be investing in a Trezor Bitcoin Wallet.

I'll either nee to figure out a way to pimp myself for Steem more on here, or buy it outright. Although maybe that will be a side effect of buying bitcoin an I'll trade back and forth? I haven't checked the markets recently.

Oh I downloaded Coinfolio to track the markets. I picked some of the Cryptos I have heard of an some of the smallest ones just to track progress. ) I got it for pure experimentation really.

I thoroughly believe cryptocurrency is the wave of the future. The more I look at it an research, the more it makes absolute sense. BUT...huge BUT here...the only way to KEEP it is with a hardware wallet. You can invest and play around all you want, but at some point you WILL get hacked. It's not if, it's when. That's why I won't buy anything major until I have it in hand.

Want to get started with JSEcoin for free? Sign up below! Sure it's an affiliate program, but I'll get 10 JSEcoin so I'll split the reward and send you 5 back!