A Staking Crypto That Uses Zero System Resources
During an alt boom the focus is on capital gains but in between booms the alt focus is on passive income. There are lots of ways to get it these days usually involving downloading a wallet client and staking, leasing, etc..
OK coin is especially interesting for staking purposes. It can be staked in a downloaded client in the usual manner. However this doesn't require space on your pc. It can easily be staked on a $10 Raspberry Pi:
That said staking OK coin doesn't require any system resources at all. All it requires is joining the OKCoin Discord Channel:
What's interesting about their Discord channel is there are sometimes 'rains' meaning coins are randomly distributed to the built in local channel wallets of participants. One can then issue a command '.stake all' and instantly be staking OK coin on the Discord channel itself.
I joined and chatted on their Discord channel a few months ago, got a little rain, typed the stake command, then forgot all about it. Yesterday I revisited the OK channel and discovered I already have more than $6 USD in my wallet. Not bad for a little time spent one evening talking about cryptocoins.
I'm not sure if they're still doing rains these days but one could always faucet or even deposit an initial balance for staking. In the typical exchange wallet coins just sit there. The exchange stakes them and keeps the profits. In a staking wallet coins reproduce! And if it does rain - all the better.
The Discord wallet offers basic wallet functionality. One can transfer their balance to another wallet or an exchange but then they lose the advantage of the OK Discord wallet requiring no system resources at all.
If you want to be ahead of the curve and positioned for the next alt crash or even the next boom head on over to OK coin's Discord channel: